Wooden wardrobe

There is nothing more natural and natural in our houses than solid wood furniture . It performs several useful functions at the same time - it cleans the air, creates a unique microclimate, pleases with its beauty and reliability, faith and truth serves us for many decades.

Cabinets made of wood are no exception and combine functionality, elegance, environmental friendliness and ergonomics. And most importantly - they are able to serve for a very long time, without losing all the listed qualities.

Wooden cabinets in the interior

Cabinets are appropriate and useful in many rooms. And first of all, a cabinet made of solid wood is needed in the bedroom , and the best option is a closet. It has an impressive capacity and does not take up too much space.

In the study or in the bedroom, a carved or strict bookcase made of wood will look harmonious. He will tell all the guests that you appreciate books and luxury. And it says a lot.

In the hallway a good wardrobe made of wood for shoes and outerwear is simply necessary. There is always a lot of moisture and dirt coming from the street, so the whole situation should be ready for such tests.

Kitchen cabinet made of wood for wine and dishes will serve you for several decades and will retain its qualities for your descendants, as it happened with the furniture of our grandmothers.

In the child's room a children's closet from solid wood is more than desirable. It meets all the requirements for furniture for children. This is security, and strength, and environmental friendliness.

Even on the balcony, a cabinet made of solid wood, especially the corner, will be an excellent place to store a mass of "necessities". Quality wood is able to withstand adverse factors. Of course, provided that the balcony is glazed.