Dufalac breastfeeding

The problem of constipation is topical for many nursing mothers. Hormonal changes, general atony of muscles, a complex process of recovery after childbirth - all this does not contribute to the regular emptying of the intestine. However, it is necessary to solve the problem of constipation in nursing mothers . This is important both for the well-being of the mother, because toxins from the contents of the intestine quickly penetrate into the blood, and for the baby.

Dufalac for nursing mothers

Duphalac when lactating is almost the only drug that effectively solves the problem of constipation, but it does not cause addiction and negative effects on both mother and baby.

The main active substance of Dufalac is lactulose. Getting into the intestine, it is split by microflora into low-molecular organic acids, due to which the osmotic pressure rises and the volume of intestinal contents increases. As a result, the peristalsis of the intestine is significantly increased, the consistency of the stool varies. As a rule, the drug starts to work already within the first 24 hours after taking, sometimes the result can only come within 48 hours.

Take Dufalac is necessary by instruction, on the first day the initial dose, then, daily, supporting. Contraindications for Dufalak in GV are the same as outside lactation - intestinal obstruction, lactose intolerance, hypersensitivity to the components included in the preparation. Side effect of Dufalac during lactation, as well as when taking in other cases, may be flatulence and nausea, which alone pass when the drug is withdrawn. However, such unpleasant symptoms appear rarely. Most experts agree that Dufalac is absolutely safe when fed. It can also be used during pregnancy.

Constipation is not only an unpleasant, but also quite a dangerous symptom. It can lead to the development of anal fissures, the loss of hemorrhoids, seriously reduces the quality of life. It is necessary to approach the solution of the problem of constipation in a complex way. It is important to follow a diet rich in fiber, do regular physical exercises, and take Dufalac while breastfeeding. Over time, the body recovers from childbirth and independently improves regular bowel movement. However, until the problem is solved independently, you can apply Dufalac nursing. It gently and effectively relieve the problem of constipation.