10 funny dogs that violate human rules

If people could really appreciate all the cleverness of dogs, then, probably, deep down they would envy them. Dogs are so clever that they easily bypass the rules and prohibitions that the person establishes.

Do you doubt that this is possible? Especially for you, we have found convincing evidence, in which dogs demonstrate their intelligence, bordering, in practice, with higher intelligence. Believe me, not everyone will think up this!

1. Begging is a healthy trait of every dog.

And even if you are training a dog from a small age never to look in the direction of someone else's food, and even less to beg, there are always exceptions. It's just that your dog has time to turn away when you look at it. And then she continues to look into your mouth.

2. Have the dog been forbidden to climb on the sofa and touch the expensive upholstery with paws?

Take a look, this dog-unique has tolerated your ban without tolerating the established rules!

3. Another vivid example in which the wit's acumen surpassed all expectations.

The owner forbade putting his head on the table. Well, no one spoke about teeth!

4. There are situations when dogs are forbidden to enter any rooms in the house or apartment.

Did you ever think that dogs will try to do everything to sometimes appear there? This dog could not enter the owner's office, so she accidentally threw her favorite toy into the office and crawled after her. And notice, it is secured by a faithful four-legged friend. Suddenly the owner will return sooner !?

5. The owners of two or more dogs face one typical problem: how to feed everyone at the same time, so that everyone ate only his portion?

Look at these huskies. Their owner forbade the dog-glutton to even touch the bowl of his friend, so every time he watches such a picture.

6. "Never climb on the sofa and even more so on the pillows!" - said the owners of this cute girl.

But after all, no one said that it's impossible to climb on the pillows that are lying on the floor! It seems that she is absolutely right!

7. This cute dog is not allowed to paw on the table when he wants to play ball.

Therefore, he found an ingenious way to circumvent the ban and solicit one batch.

8. You can not climb on a leather sofa? No problem! Under the couch and in it is also quite good!

9. And this dog knows that her mistress forbids her to go into the room.

Therefore, an intelligent creature found a way out of the situation. "If you go into the room to the landlady and do not meet her eyes, everything will be all right," the dog thought!

10. Unfortunately, dogs are always hard to resist food.

Therefore in this house the old faithful friend is forbidden to be in the room during lunch. But even for so many years of bans and training, he still tries to be to the food, as close as possible.