Why does not the Decembrist flower?

The Decembrist, as the flower is called a slumberberger in the people for the beginning of flowering in the first month of winter, is an interesting and rather non-demanding plant. The flowering of the Decembrist is abundant and very beautiful. His flowers are like incredible tropical butterflies, accidentally wandered into our cool edges. Therefore, it is extremely insulting, if suddenly the Decembrist does not blossom. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, so let's figure out more in detail why the beautiful Decembrist flower does not bloom and how to properly promote its bloom.

Why does not the Decembrist flower?

So, first of all, let's look at the question: "When does the Decembrist flower?", Which occurs quite often. The Decembrist blooms in the winter, which is another remarkable plus, because not so many plants please our views with their bright flowering in the cold winter.

But what to do if the Decembrist does not blossom, and most importantly - how to find out the reason why it does not bloom? In fact, in order for the Decembrist to blossom, it is enough to observe not such complicated rules for caring for him during the year. With proper care, the Decembrist will please you with his flowering every year for many years.

How to make the Decembrist blossom?

So, now let's consider these very rules, which were mentioned above.

  1. Lighting . The reason that the Decembrist does not bloom may be a lack of sunlight. Although the Decembrists do not like bright sunlight and they need to be kept in the penumbra, but in the summer time, they need to be taken out on the balcony, while the Decembrist must be covered with something to prevent direct sunlight from reaching it. But still, fresh air and light are needed for all plants to be healthy and blossom well.
  2. Watering . The second possible reason why the Decembrist does not blossom, can hide in inadequate watering. In general, watering the Decembrist needs a moderate, but in summer it needs more watering, since buds are beginning to be laid in the first month of autumn, and this is the most important process. If there is not enough watering, then there will not be buds of buds, and, accordingly, the flowering of the Decembrist you will not see.
  3. Transplantation . Also, the Decembrist needs an annual transplant, and if he has a "long life" with you in the same pot without transplantation, then it can stop blooming. The pot for the Decembrist should be small, since the root system of this plant is small, if you select a too large pot, then the root system of the plant, trying to occupy all free territory, too far to run into its development, which is quite bad for the plant itself. But when transplanting, changing the pot, pay attention to the fact that each next pot should be slightly larger than the previous one. Also, when transplanting, pay attention to the roots. From waterlogging, soil silt, too low or too high temperature, the Decembrist can begin to rot roots, which, of course, can cause the absence of flowers.
  4. Temperature . In the flowering period, that is, in winter, the temperature should fluctuate within 12-16 degrees. This is the ideal temperature for the flowering of the Decembrist. As already mentioned, at too low or too high temperatures, the roots of the Decembrist may begin to rot, and in general this will not affect positively the health of the plant.

This, in general, all the rules that you need to know, caring for the Decembrist. With their proper keeping of flowers, the Decembrist will please you every year, and the winter will blossom brightly for you, like never before, because flowers give home a feeling of comfort and joy.