Cones on the belly of a cat

Each caring owner several times a day takes his pet in his arms and gently strokes him or scratches it. Most often this happens mechanically. But it is worth at least sometimes to do it more consciously, in time to reveal a developing ailment.

Bumps on the body of a cat: the cause or effect?

The formation of a cone on the animal's body in most cases indicates the onset of a disease. The simplest disease that manifests itself in the form of a tumor on the body is the ingress of a foreign object under the skin. But even in this case, you should immediately contact a veterinarian who can establish the correct diagnosis, extract the cause of the tumor and prescribe medication. However, there are still a number of more serious diseases, the symptoms of which are the appearance of seals:

Before visiting a veterinary clinic, attention should be paid to other changes in the health or behavior of the animal. In addition, that the cat formed a cone, the disease can speak increased skin peeling, frequent scratching, etc. Knowledge of the existence of these symptoms will greatly facilitate the work of the doctor.