24 tricks that will simplify the maintenance of the dog

You refuse to have a dog, because it requires attention, does it have a lot of dirt and high costs? All problems from ignorance.

We offer several tricks, knowing which, you will not be annoyed at your smaller brothers, and their content will bring you pleasure. Information is useful, as well, and avid dog.

1. A homemade toy-trough will take your dog for several hours.

... well, or until he eats all the yummies)) Using scissors make a small hole in the tennis ball, fill the space with dog food.

2. Play "Aport!" On a small slope so that the dog gets tired more quickly.

This trick is useful for hosts, whose dogs are hyperactive and need energy splash.

3. Use the carbine to tie the dog.

There is no need to spend 10 minutes each time you go to the store and you have a need to leave the dog for a while on the street. Stretch the collar through the carbine, wind around the pole and secure the carbine by the loop in the collar.

4. Put the ball in a bowl with food if your pet is eating too fast.

The animal will be distracted by the ball instead of sweeping away the whole dinner in a minute.

5. Cake "Toy ice".

Freeze toys, bones and chicken broth diluted with water in a cake / pie shape. With this trick, you kill two birds with one stone: the dog drinks, and it is busy, we assure, for several hours.

6. When you go out with your pet for a long walk, grab a folding bowl and a bottle of water.

The dog will thank you.

7. Make a lounger for the dog with your own hands: from the laundry basket, pillow and rug.

Each family member must have a bed, a dog including. To provide a friend with all amenities, do not forget to put something soft, for example, another blanket, the solid edges of the basket. There is a high probability that you yourself will want to lie down in this soft nest.

8. Another homemade lounger from a wooden pallet, a children's mattress and a mattress-sized mattress.

You will need:

Separate one third of the pan, treat the surface with sandpaper. Glue the decorative elements in the form of wooden balls around the edges of the pallet, they will serve as legs for the newly made bed. Allow the glue to dry. Apply the paint to the surface of the pan, wait until it dries completely. Place the mattress in a mattress pad or an old duvet cover, put it on the crib. Done!

9. Do not want to occupy the space of the room, there is another option for a berth.

Pull out the middle shelf in your bedside cabinet, if any, place the pet cage there, cover everything with a self-made curtain.

10. If the dog does not like the cage, replace it with a pillow.

No wonder if one day you find your child there.

11. To save space in the kitchen, place the dog bowls in the bottom drawer of the kitchen set.

12. Use walnut oil to distract the dog during clipping.

Let someone from the family smear their fingers with oil, the dog will lick them and distract from you.

13. In case you overdo it with cutting, use cornstarch and water.

Apply the resulting paste to the wound with a cotton swab. The paste will act and stop the bleeding. If there is no starch, use flour or baking soda.

14. If you travel with a dog, get an impregnable bowl for drinking.

15. In case if the dog lost his toy on the way, make it from a sock and a plastic bottle.

Sorry for socks? Replace them with an old towel or any other rag that you can wrap the bottle around.

16. Use a rubber roller or scraper to remove dog wool from the seats of your car.

For lack of a roller, use a sponge. Dampen it with water and wipe the seat in one direction. Remove the slivers of wool from your hands.

17. The owners, whose dogs are constantly rushing to the front seat of the car, use zip-line.

Zip-line - a way of movement with the help of a special carabiner or clamp. Upgrade it for your specific case.

18. The same method can be used if you are at a camping or picnic.

Pull the rope between two trees and use the snap hooks to fasten the dog to the rope (one carabiner to the rope, and the other to the harness). So the dog will definitely not run away and will be under your close supervision.

19. Use chalk to scare off the ants from the bowl.

Continuing the theme of picnics ... Ants will not cross the chalk line, as this will deprive them of the ability to touch, and therefore follow the tracks of other ants.

20. If the street is too hot or too cold, before walking, oil the pet's legs with petroleum jelly.

This will protect the skin from salt or burns from hot asphalt. After a walk, just wash your paws in warm water.

21. If your pet scrabbles the door when he wants to walk, use a special protector to minimize damage.

22. A trick for feeding tablets and all sorts of medicines.

It will take:

Mix a small amount of flour, milk and condensed milk until smooth, roll out any shape that you like: a ball, a cube, etc. Using a simple pencil, make a hole in the resulting figure for the tablet, put it there. Put "medicinal bombs" in the refrigerator for several hours. Be sure the dog swallows the right medicine.

23. If your dog likes to run off the fence, get a special harness that will prevent it.

Dimensions, by the way, these pieces are different, depending on the breed of the dog.

24. And the last thing: look at this diagram to know that the dog can eat and what not.