19 reasons that will make you respect the raven

Have you ever thought about the fact that a well-known and often annoying bird can become a best friend !? Yes, it is the best friend who understands and cheers at the same time.

And such a bird is an ordinary raven, familiar to everyone on the planet. Distinguished by careful disposition and high intelligence, crows can become a close feathered companion for their master. And it's not for nothing that many witches chose witches, whose history and mythology go deep into antiquity. Enumerate the benefits of ravens endlessly, but it's enough to get acquainted with the undeniable facts to make sure of the uniqueness of the "black petrels".

1. Small ravens of crows are so cute that it's hard to resist to instantly fall in love.

No bird in the world can compare with the little fluffy chick of a black crow.

2. Ravens are odnolyubami and carefully select a pair for reproduction.

Ravens cherish their choice for life, without changing their own choice. Is this not a big plus, characterizing crows as responsible and loyal creatures !?

3. Black birds are inherently endowed with an innate sense of collectivity.

During the incubation period of one crows, other relatives try to help in every possible way, spreading their sympathy and for the period of feeding. Sometimes adult crows remain to help with the next batch of small chicks.

4. In the literal translation from the English language "Murder of crow" (a flock of crows) is called "killing crows."

Do not be scared. Such a name these birds were not due to an aggressive and cruel nature, but only because of the principle of naming groups of animals in English.

5. Ravens are by nature researchers, therefore often differ surprising wit, manifested in almost every step.

It is noteworthy that flock of crows, uniting, develop their own manner of communication and habits that distinguish them from other crows.

6. It is proved that crows can recognize a person in the face, that is, they have photographic memory.

Once, in Seattle, there was a resonant case, which proved to all the ability of crows to identify people. A group of scientists in masks caught seven birds. As soon as the raven was released, they instantly attacked all who wore such a mask.

7. An experiment with masks showed that crows do not pay attention to people in other masks.

But, as soon as the birds saw the familiar mask, they immediately began to croak and attack the person. Is it possible to "stupid" animals?

8. As it was already explained, crows are very social birds, so if you once offend a crow, you can be sure that the other relatives already know about your misdemeanor.

Scientists from Seattle realized this when absolutely different crows attacked them when they put on an unfortunate mask.

9. Also crows have a unique memory for any events and incidents.

Therefore, it is better not to joke with such birds. After a couple of years all the same scientists were attacked by birds as soon as they tried on the mask.

10. Ravage among the crows is off scale, so if you offend the crow, it will necessarily "tell" it to future generations, and those in turn - to their descendants. Among the crows, you will become a persona non grata.

11. In the case of a mask, many young individuals who could not see scientists alive reacted aggressively to them. Be extremely careful if you decide to "get to know" the nature of crows.

12. Ravens are smart birds that learn from their own mistakes.

For example, in the Canadian town of Chatham an interesting case occurred, proving the collective organization and support in crow flocks. Every year, a large number of crows migrated through the province of Ontario and preferred to stay for a rest in the agricultural town of Chatham. Once, the mayor of the city, having lost a huge part of the crops, demanded to get rid of the birds. At that very moment, as one single crow was killed, the city sighed calmly. Subsequently, crows flew around this town side, not wanting to be killed.

13. When a shot was heard in Chatham, the entire flock flew away instantly and never again approached the settlement more closely.

Do you think how many birds have been killed since that moment !? The answer is obvious - not one!

14. Ravens are considered smart and intelligent birds that can independently craft the tools they need to help them.

For example, at one time, an experiment was conducted with two ravens of Batty and Abel. The food was placed in a small basket, which was removed to a vessel. Ravens were given 2 wires - straight and curled in the shape of a hook. Batty got straight wire, but this did not upset the bird. Looking at Adele, who easily got her food, Betty made a hook from the wire and also extracted the contents from the vessel.

15. Before the experiment, Batty never saw the wire and no one taught it. Therefore, one can definitely argue that crows are geniuses of the feathered world.

16. Crow's abilities seem limitless and yet another proof of this is their adaptive behavior.

Crows can easily remember the route of the garbage truck to know where to taste delicacies and delicacies. They also perfectly orient themselves, memorizing drivers who help open a tin can for them.

17. Also, crows are known for their unique flight technique.

Only these birds perform flight maneuvers, similar to aerobatics. In addition to the memorable flight, crows have their own "language" of dialects, through which they communicate with each other.

18. Ravens are familiar with the situation with the planning of future cases. Very often these birds tend to hide food on a "rainy day".

But at the time of the creation of the hiding place, the crow tracks that no one should spy on her secret place. If one of the congeners still manages to see this, then the crow immediately creates a lie and carries the prey to another secluded nook.

19. Agree that crows are amazing creatures that can hit you. Therefore, do not waste time in vain and hurry to get a faithful and intelligent feathered companion!