Sheepdogs - breeds

There is no man who would remain indifferent to sheep dogs. These intelligent beings do not cease to amaze us. What are the breeds of sheep dogs by description and how suitable for you, decide for yourself.

The most common breed of shepherds

German Shepherd is considered a universal breed of dogs, besides it is included in the rating of one of the smartest. Most often we are accustomed to seeing her as a service dog. It has a calm and balanced nature, excellent training. Its best qualities are manifested if the dog has one master. Easier than other breeds, the German shepherd takes the fact of a change of owner. That is why most often we see these dogs in the service in the army, police, security. The German Shepherd has excellent contact with children and is a faithful and fearless friend to a blind person.

One of the largest breeds is the Caucasian sheepdog . Sometimes her weight reaches 70 kg, and the height is 75 cm. Unpretentious in content, bold and resolute this dog is used as a guard and watchman. Behind a powerful view is a good soul. She very rarely can afford to offend the dog less and weaker, but, realizing its power, it achieves leadership among equals. Selflessly devoted to his master, only the shepherd will let him train himself, and only performs his commands. The most popular is the longhaired type of Caucasian sheepdog.

The breed of the East European Shepherd was removed from the German Shepherd and fixed in 1964. Usually these dogs with their masters have mutual love and affection. They can be found in the service in the armed forces, in guards, as guides.

The Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai) man deduced centuries, selecting the best signs of dogs guarding sheep. Hardy and unpretentious, clever and faithful, she is most valued for her protective qualities. The Asian Shepherd dog breed attacks only border violators or when it feels threatened to its owner. Outside the protected area they are quite good-natured.

Cheerful and cheerful character is different Swiss Shepherd. It is not aggressive, it is easy to train and it gets along very well with other animals, and with the whole family. A reliable guard who is very responsible about his work - this is how a Swiss shepherd describes her breed. The Swiss Shepherd feels more comfortable because of the large sizes at the maintenance in the private house. And its unusual white color, like the whole breed, is like a German shepherd.

There are four types of Belgian Shepherds, which differ in color and type of wool. They are very energetic, large, have a muscular physique, have an excellent memory and are easy to train. These sheep dogs require constant physical activity, have an instant reaction, which allows them to serve in the police. Dog breed Belgian Shepherd does not tolerate rough treatment.

One of the most popular in the world is the breed of dogs Scottish Shepherd (Collie). This is a very kind, peaceful animal, intelligent and beautiful. A faithful friend, a nanny for children, so characterize the Scottish Shepherd. She perfectly copes with the work of the guard and the guide. And the film "Lassie" made Colly famous.

The Australian Shepherd dog is considered hardworking and mobile. It has tremendous energy, so content requires space. A good pupil, a wonderful watchman, a shepherd and many other positive properties endowed her with nature. The Australian does not tolerate loneliness and rudeness, and her intellect will surprise you and amaze you. Her abilities are appreciated by police officers when searching for drugs and during rescue operations.