Pitbull Terrier - description of the breed

A great companion, a great guard and watchman - all this is about pit bull terriers. Yes, it's about those dogs that some people consider as frightful creatures almost with a crocodile mouth. With a great deal of confidence I want to say, the spitefulness and aggressiveness of pitbulls (the common name of this breed) entirely lies on the conscience of their narrow-minded masters. To make sure that much of what is told about pit bull terriers is just an exaggeration, we will consider a brief description of this breed of dogs.

Characteristics of the breed pit bull terrier

Pitbull Terrier is a powerful dog with strong will and intellect. Representatives of this breed combine the best qualities of their ancestors - the bulldog's strength and speed of the terrier. The appearance of the dog largely depends on which breeds the "genes" gravitate towards - the bulldog or the terrier. Therefore, both the weight and the growth of the pit bulls have a wide range in terms: so weight is allowed from 16 to 45 kg, and growth from 46 to 56 cm.

Other indicators of the breed standard pitbull terrier: a wide muzzle of a square shape; A compact body with a well-developed sternum and a short, muscular back; wool is smooth, short and dense in any color; The low-set tail tapers to an end; ears semistate, sometimes subject to cupping.

And it is especially worth mentioning about the character of the pit bull terrier. First of all, the most important thing is that a correctly cultivated pit bull is aggressive only to other animals (dogs). But any hostile attacks by the person, especially in relation to the owner, will be immediately stopped. The dog is superbly yielding to training, it is good to distinguish between bad and good, immensely loyal to the owner and does not aspire to leadership. But! Pete will always check the person (master) for the fortress, so for the education of this dog you need a solid character. In general, as it is said in one of the descriptions, the pit bull terrier is a "dog of steel and velvet".