23 working council on improvement of mental health

Be sure that in the proposed list you will find something that you will like: you want - you'll get a diary or find an exciting hobby, or maybe you just want to have a good night's sleep? You decide!

1. Fill the bed every day

This is the simplest way to start the day with a great mood.

2. Drop the desire to "like everyone"

To be benevolent, ready to come to the aid of a person is good. To worry about what others will think or say about you, step on your throat, do something to the detriment of your desires is not good. It is impossible to please everyone, just accept it.

3. Find for yourself an exciting hobby

The key word here is "for yourself"! Not for cool photos in Instagram, not for discussion threads with colleagues at work, but DL-I-CE! In other words, what will inspire or relax, make you think or on the contrary distract from all thoughts.

4. Pamper yourself

Candles, tea, sweets, records with new music - yes, anything. Make these little joys an integral part of your budget, please yourself with sweet pleasanties and thank yourself for it.

5. Drive negative thoughts about yourself away

Be good not only to others, but to yourself in the first place. We recommend an experiment: "Love yourself for 12 days." All you need to do is follow the list every day. So:

  1. Every morning, smile to yourself in the mirror.
  2. Smile to passers-by.
  3. Do not skimp yourself on compliments.
  4. Write about yourself something pleasant.
  5. Do what will cheer up.
  6. Be proud of yourself.
  7. Encourage yourself.
  8. Do not compare yourself with others.
  9. Give compliments to other people.
  10. Communicate with animals.
  11. Think of a motto and constantly scroll it in your head.
  12. Turn off your cell more often.

6. Take a place for memorable moments of life

In other words, collect positive emotions. Decide for yourself to focus not on problems and failures, but on positive moments and pleasant situations. This will make your decisions well-oriented, that is, they will be accepted by you based on the desire to experience positive emotions. A cool bonus: read all that has accumulated, before the new year. A charge of vivacity and a great mood are guaranteed to you!

7. Reduce or reduce to zero meetings with people, communication with which does not give you pleasure

Avoid communication with those who negatively affect your mental state. Learn to break unnecessary links.

8. Get rid of the word "should (s)"

"I have to go in for sports, I must make peace with a friend, I must ... I must." Such a "serious" attitude can only make things worse. You can not imagine how things can change together with the wording: "I would like to go in for sports, I would like to reconcile ...".

"Do not keep yourself in a rigid framework and do not threaten with your finger for fulfilling your desires, if at all. Wanting something is absolutely normal, "says clinical psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo.

9. Treat yourself as your best friend.

Every time a thought flashes over yourself for shedding coffee or for being late for work, drive it away. Think about it, but would you react so to your friend? No, since no one, including yourself, deserves such treatment.

10. Find a psychotherapist, a pro in your business

If you are so confused and unable to figure out the problems yourself, contact a professional psychotherapist. Do not be shy if you have not previously had such an experience of communication - everything happens for the first time. Just carefully approach the choice of "assistant in raking the rubble in your brain."

11. Say "no" more often

There are two possible variants of the development of events in case you agree to do what you really do not want: either you do it to your detriment (personal time, mood, health, money after all) or do not, but feel fault for not meeting deadlines, for example. They promised, but did not comply, they have to apologize, justify themselves. Do you want it? Without rudeness, politely say: "No!". Love yourself.

12. Less complain

Constantly complaining, you create the image of a person with whom it is unpleasant to find, and also surround yourself with a negative, that in the end can lead to mental disorders. Understand correctly, this advice is not directed at the fact that you accumulate in yourself this negative energy, but that, after discussing the painful ones, you splash it out and do not focus on it anymore.

13. Take emotional pain as a physical

Feel the moral fatigue, take a day off. If you get harder and harder to crawl out of the past every time, consult a doctor. Do not neglect this signal.

14. Sleep more

What does sleep have to do with mental health? Yes, the most that neither is direct. Nedosyp increases the feeling of dissatisfaction and aggravates the state of depression and anxiety, so love your body, and the brain will thank you for it.

15. Keep a journal

"Doing a diary is a kind of therapy that promotes good health," says Deborah Serani, author of The Life with Depression. A pleasant bonus - perhaps you look at yourself from a different angle, open up.

16. Do not compare yourself with others.

Take for the rule, every time you compare yourself with others, especially when the comparison is negative, put 100 rubles in a piggy bank. Do not notice how quickly get rid of bad habits.

17. Allocate time for yourself

Cut the time once a week, well, or at least once a month for yourself. Dine at the restaurant, go to the movies or just stroll around the night city. Learn to enjoy the loneliness and love the time spent in the company itself.

18. Start the day with the thoughts of the positive moments of your life

People tend to negative more than to positive thinking, so every morning expressing gratitude for every little thing, a pleasant dream, for example, you doom yourself to a great mood for the whole day.

19. Reduce the time spent in social networks

In the age of modern technology, people record their every step in social networks - work, vacations, relationships. Scrolling the tapes of famous bloggers or friends, makes you forget yourself and get away from personal experiences and problems. Try to concentrate on real life and monitor your morale.

20. Make the space around you inspirational

Hang up motivating phrases in the workplace, and you will be surprised how much this helps in difficult moments.

21. Do things that embarrass you, bother you, worry

"The more often you avoid unpleasant situations, the more they begin to worry you," explains clinical psychologist Jennifer Tates. Throw yourself a challenge, then experiencing these difficulties with each time will be easier.

22. Share what is happening in life with friends

You need to be brave to open up and show your weaknesses. If you still try to cope on your own, fearing to be a cargo package for someone, you should reconsider your support system. Promise that in a difficult situation you will find a person who loves and cares for you, and share your experiences.

23. Celebrate even tiny victories

There is nothing wrong with setting global goals, so to speak in the future. But remember that achieving small ones in turn is also very important. Celebrate not only major victories.