Bursitis of the elbow joint - treatment at home

Around all joints, including the elbow, there are synovial bags, which are a bag of liquid. They serve as shock absorbers, protecting the bone from contact and friction during mechanical movements. Inflammation in any of the synovial bags changes the composition and amount of fluid, there is bursitis of the elbow joint - treatment at home in this disease is not difficult if the degree of damage is light. Otherwise, specialized therapy and, possibly, surgical intervention are required.

How to treat an ulnar bursitis of an easy degree at home?

If the inflammation of the synovial bag is caused by a minor trauma or a common injury , is not complicated by the attachment of a bacterial infection, standard treatment of the elbow bursitis at home is quite acceptable:

  1. Provide for the damaged limb rest. For fixation, it is recommended to apply a pressure bandage or a bandage.
  2. Remove the inflammation. In the first 1-2 days after the development of the pathology, cold compresses or ice should be applied to the elbow. This will not only stop the inflammatory process, but also limit its spread, reduce the swelling of the joint.
  3. Accelerate the outflow of excess fluid. To reduce the pressure in the synovial bag you need to apply resorbants. It is best to use lotions with an aqueous solution of Dimexide (proportions 10: 1).

If there is a pain syndrome, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are allowed.

How to cure serous or purulent ulnar bursitis at home?

The peculiarities of the considered forms of pathology are hyperthermia and a violation of the general state of the organism due to intoxication. Lack of adequate and timely therapy can lead to irreversible complications and the transition of serous or purulent damage to chronic inflammation.

For these reasons, treatment of severe ulnar bursitis at home is not allowed. When referring to a doctor, appropriate therapeutic measures are prescribed:

In very severe cases and with ineffectiveness of any conservative measures, surgical intervention is recommended - bursectomy.

Is it possible to treat bursitis elbow joint folk remedies?

It is important to note that no methods of alternative medicine can be considered sufficient for the full treatment of inflammation of the synovial bag. Any homeopathic, alternative drugs and folk remedies for elbow bursitis are used exclusively as additional aids to relieve symptoms of the pathology and reduce the severity of the pain syndrome.

Lotion on the aching joint


Preparation and use

Grind bee glue, mix with vodka. Insist for 5 days in a container with a tightly sealed stopper in a dark place. Apply a remedy for lotions. Leave on the skin for up to 2-3 hours.

Compress from bursitis pain


Preparation and use

Mix the listed products. The resulting composition should be spread over a bandage folded several times, to compress for 1-2 hours.

In addition, it is recommended to apply a bag of warmed sugar to the sick elbow, fresh and slightly mashed lilac leaves.