Finlepsin - indications for use

Pharmacological drug Finplepsin is an anticonvulsant, antiepileptic agent. Finlepsin also has a certain normotimic effect and is prescribed to stabilize the patient's emotional background.

Indications for use of Finplesin

Finlepsin may be prescribed by a specialist as the main therapeutic agent or for use in combination with other medications.

As an anticonvulsant, Finlepsin tablets are taken with:

As an analgesic, Phillipsin is recommended for the following conditions:

Also, Finplexin can be taken to prevent migraine attacks.

Appointed Finplexin for the treatment of various psychopathic disorders:

Indication for the use of Finnlepsin is diabetes insipidus, as well as polydipsia and polyuria associated with hormonal disorders. With these diseases, the drug is prescribed for admission as an antidiuretic.

How to take Finplepsin?

Experts recommend that in epilepsy Finplepsin should be prescribed as a monotherapeutic agent. In this case, the initial dose of the drug is 200-400 mg per day, gradually increasing, bringing up to 800-1200 mg (maximum 2000 mg), distributing the daily rate for 3 doses.

Attention! In case the patient forgot to take the medicine, it is necessary to take the missed dose immediately after finding an omission, but you can not take a double dose at a time.

With neuralgia, the daily dose is initially 200-400 mg, then it is increased to 400-800 mg, divided into 2 divided doses. Tablets are taken until complete relief from pain.

For the treatment of psychosis take 200-400 mg of Finlepsin, dividing by 2 times a day, with multiple sclerosis - 200 mg per reception 3 times a day.

Treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome involves taking three times a day for 200 mg of medication, while it is necessary to control the content of carbamazepine in the blood plasma.

When diabetes is non-sugar it is recommended to take 200 mg of the drug 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications to the use of Finplesin

It is forbidden to take Finlepsin in the following cases:

Only if absolutely necessary Finlepsin is used for cardiac insufficiency, functional disorders of the kidney or liver, high intraocular pressure, prostatic hyperplasia. It is extremely cautious to take the drug elderly people and children, the daily dose for age patients is usually reduced by 2 times. Carbamazepine, contained in Finplesin, easily penetrates into breast milk, and therefore it is necessary to carefully compare the benefits of using a medicine by a nursing woman with the consequences that it brings to the child.

It is undesirable to take Finlepsin simultaneously with sedatives and hypnotics.