20 habits that will make you healthier and happier in the new year

Not far off is the holiday "Olivier", "Herring under the fur coat", "Vinegret". Undoubtedly, many have already managed to compile a list of 100 goals to be achieved in 2018.

Share, in this list there was a place to the item "Strengthen health, not to hurt and feel happy, no matter what" or "I want to become more productive"? Here are tips for you how to do this, and you can start implementing a cherished fad not from January 1, but from tomorrow.

1. Citrus fruits. More citrus fruits.

Have you noticed that we lean on lemons, oranges, grapefruits, mandarins, first of all, when we feel that we are attacked by a cold? The tremendous benefit of citrus is that it is a storehouse of useful vitamins (C, B2, PP, A, E, B). Start to strengthen your health, eating at least a couple of citrus fruits a day. For example, start your day with lemon water drunk on an empty stomach - an ideal drink for vivacity, raising immunity and speeding up metabolism.

2. Do not forget about vegetables.

It is scientifically proven that those who include vegetables in their daily diet are sicker than those who thrice on meat products three times a day. After all, such healthy food as vegetables, prevents the development of cancerous tumors, reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, saturates the body with energy, cleans it, improves the skin and strengthens bones.

3. Let's play in the gardener?

Imagine that indoor plants can not only absorb harmful formaldehydes emanating from synthetic carpets and other things in our home, but also help to get rid of stress, reduce blood pressure and calm the nervous system. How? Just turn on the gardener mode. Start to look after at least a couple of plants. In addition, everyone knows that due to communication with nature, a woman gets a lot of vital energy.

4. Forget about multitasking.

Undoubtedly, the modern world forces us to move at the speed of light, while answering the letter, raking up the blockage on the desktop and answering calls. Stop. Our brain is very tired of such a multi-tattoo. Stop it. Try at least once a day to do something by yourself. For example, if you need to create a presentation, do not be distracted by the "Laika" in Instagram, scrolling the tape in social networks. From this, you spend a lot of your valuable time and energy, which should be directed towards the fulfillment of a more important task.

5. Add flavor.

Admit it, when you are at home, are you satisfied with what surrounds you? If it seems that there is something in the house that constantly irritates you, simply add your interior with fragrant candles or aromatic spoons. It is scientifically proven that every fragrance activates certain areas of the brain, forcing it to either concentrate or relax. For example, the smell of vanilla will help relax and forget about unnecessary anxiety, peppermint - on the contrary, will add strength and energy, and lavender is an ideal remedy for stress.

6. Forget about the elevator. Long live the steps.

Just do not need to say that you are constantly on the move. Most of us are subject to hypodynamia. Moreover, the research of American psychologists showed that tired women, who during a break for 10 minutes went up the stairs, were charged with more energy than those who preferred a cup of coffee or a glass of sparkling water. In addition, in addition, they burned calories, and therefore without the pangs of conscience could enjoy a fragrant cinnamon roll.

7. Family photos.

Do you have any traditions in your family? For example, maybe at the end of the year you print a photo of the most memorable events that happened to you this year? It's great if the house has a shelf, a chest of drawers, on which there are photo frames with pictures of family members - a sort of family charm.

8. Disinfection of the mobile phone.

Do it right now, and disinfected mobile will become a habit. Why is this necessary? On the day we are about 50 or even more times, we check our smartphones and do not even think how many bacteria they have on them. "Where?", You ask. For example, you go public transport, holding on to the handrails, and in parallel answering the message in Viber, came to work, washed your hands, but there were a lot of microbes left on the mobile screen. Moreover, even if you go to the bathroom with the phone, it already settles harmful bacteria. Then you again press the display, and on clean hands a decent number of microbes, yes, yes, those that are hooked on your screen in the minibus.

In the end, then wonder why we have weak immunity, because we monitor personal hygiene and take vitamins. The conclusion is one: several times a day, wipe the screen mobile with special or usual wet wipes.

9. Plan your vacation.

Yes, yes, already six months before the desired vacation you need to carefully plan your vacation. By the way, scientific research shows that women who take leave twice a year have a lower risk of developing a heart attack than those who do not have it at all. Moreover, even if you only think about the holiday, the level of the "hormone of happiness" of serotonin rises in your blood.

10. Do yoga with your partner.

For example, it can be yoga at home or going to the studio for lessons akroogi (steam room). It is interesting that such group practice will help to feel your body better, understand what it wants. As a result, you will improve the quality of sexual life.

11. While playing sports, listen to audiobooks.

Of course, someone will say that this is the same multitasking, the aforementioned multitasking, from which we tried to dissuade you. But during sports exercises our brain does not know what to do and while many exercises we do on the machine, we hang in the clouds, we plan what to cook for lunch, etc. It's time to spend time with benefit not only for the body, but also for soul - turn on your favorite audiobook and enjoy the process.

12. Volunteering.

At least once or twice a year, feel yourself in the role of a volunteer who happily cares for animals in the shelter or helps to clean the local park of debris. Studies show that volunteering helps to get rid of stress, lowers blood pressure and at the same time increases self-confidence.

13. Contrast shower.

It's time to start taking a contrast shower. He will give a charge of energy, cheer, protect against colds and will be an excellent training for tendons, muscles, vessels, capillaries. Moreover, with regular intake, it speeds up the metabolism, promotes weight loss, tightens the skin, eliminates cellulite.

14. Try something new.

Life is short. Remember about this, and therefore it is not out of place to try to master a new sport. For example, it can be dancing on the pylon, helping to feel sexy, or raja yoga, through which you will achieve bodily awareness.

15. For training, wear only those things that you like.

By the way, this applies to any clothes you wear. Studies show that what we wear affects our well-being. Of course, you can not focus on this, but then do not be surprised why every day your self-esteem goes lower and lower.

16. Open up new hobbies.

Instead of sleeping on Sunday before lunch, sign up for painting courses. Why is this necessary? It's time to reveal your creativity. Remember that a person is alive as long as he cultivates, grows.

17. Get rid of old things.

Of course, you can hear such a recommendation anywhere. No wonder there is a book "Magical cleaning", which for many years has long become a desktop. Remember that things you do not wear do not only take up space in your closet, but they also take away energy, so you unconsciously do not let in your life a new one.

18. Write a letter to yourself for the future.

Each of us has moments when it seems that this is the end, that there will be no more dawns and all that you do will lead to nothing. This letter should become a kind of motivator, a life ring - call it whatever you want, but write it with all your heart, as if you are talking with your best friend, whom you want to help, who you want to inspire to live with, do not give up.

19. Go to bed at one time with your partner.

This is not just advice, but a recommendation, which should be adhered to, in order to improve one's health and strengthen relations with the other half. Do not forget that you need to go to bed before midnight. From 23:00 to 3:00, the body recovers.

20. Do not forget to praise yourself.

Do not wait for praise from a loved one, superiors, friends. Praise yourself. It can be thought words of encouragement or written "You umnichka. You coped with a difficult task. " This will help improve self-esteem and self-confidence.