Potatoes "Luck" - a description of the variety

It so happened that for the majority of our population, potatoes have long been a staple food, and even a product grown on their own private plot. The main points of agrotechnics of growing potatoes are old and young, hundreds of forums are dedicated to the subtleties of this issue. And as soon as weather permits, every spring millions of our compatriots spend for planting this wonderful vegetable. Varieties of potatoes are a huge variety and experienced housewives know which of them gives the best harvest, which will be better kept in winter, and which is especially tasty for the young. About one of the varieties of potatoes with the remarkable name "Luck" and will be discussed in our article.

Potatoes "Luck" - a description of the variety

The potato variety "Luck" became the fruit of the selection work carried out by the VNIIKhH team. The characteristic of this potato directly shows that its name was chosen not by chance - the grade "Luck" turned out to be successful by one hundred percent:

  1. "Luck" refers to the early varieties of potatoes - the first crop can be removed after 60 days after emergence. Ie planting potatoes varieties "Luck" seedlings in May, in June you can get a full crop. Young potatoes of this variety can be tried already on the 45th day after the appearance of the first sprout.
  2. The potato variety "Luck" is adapted for cultivation in various types of soil. The best yields "Luck" gives in the Central Black Earth, Middle Volga and Far Eastern regions of Russia, but thanks to its high adaptive characteristics, it shows itself well in other territories. Potatoes of the "Luck" variety are successfully grown in Russia, Moldova, Ukraine and other CIS countries. In general, wherever you plant potatoes "Luck", with due care of harvest less than one kilogram from one bush to wait it is not necessary.
  3. The ground part of potatoes "Luck" is a spreading bush of medium height, densely covered with dark green matt leaves. During flowering, the bush is covered with bright white flowers of medium size, the petals of which are strongly bent downwards.
  4. In addition to high adaptive characteristics, the potato "Luck" and an excellent level of protection against diseases and pests. He will not be harmed either by the long heat and drought, or heavy rains, as well as by diseases and viruses becoming destructive to other varieties of potato: phytophthora , rot, wrinkled mosaic, cancer, rhizoctonia and many others.
  5. Potato tubers of the "Luck" type grow quite large and round-oval in shape. They have a thin and smooth peel cream-white color, with a small number of small eyes. Under the skin is a flesh of white color with a starch content of 12-14%.
  6. In addition to excellent varietal characteristics, potato varieties "Luck" and a wonderful taste. It is perfect for mashing and frying. This variety is also valuable because it lasts for a long time and is not affected by rot. The grade "Luck" reacts calmly to mechanical damage without changing the color of its pulp in their place.

Potatoes "Luck" - features of agricultural technology

The best time to land the seed potatoes "Luck" in the open ground - the end of April and early May. On dense soils, it is best to plant it after winter crops and perennial grasses, as well as leguminous plants. On sandy soils the best predecessor of the potato "Luck" will be lupine. Plant potatoes varieties "Luck" better by the scheme of 60x35 cm, deepening the seeds by 10-12 cm. Care for the "lucky" potatoes is the timely loosening of the soil and the destruction of weeds.