Cabbage Diet

From a long time, the healing properties of cabbage were known. Cabbage was used as an antibacterial agent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory. Our ancestors applied cabbage leaves to bruises, abrasions and bruises. The high fiber content makes cabbage an indispensable aid in removing toxins and cholesterol from the body. Cabbage is an indispensable product of the diet of those who have liver or gastrointestinal disease, and because of the lack of sucrose in cabbage, it is the basis of diabetics' diet. To the useful properties of cabbage, you can also include a high content of vitamins (especially vitamin C), minerals (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron). If you squeeze out the juice from fresh cabbage, you will get a cure for diseases that affect the stomach (peptic ulcer, gastritis, etc.). It can also be used as an expectorant.

What cabbage to choose for a diet?

Another famous navigator James Cook, going on a sailing trip, took aboard enough sesame cabbage for all sailors. He knew that a beneficial property of sauerkraut is the high content of vitamin C (the absence of which caused a terrible disease in seamen - scurvy). In our time, the juice of sauerkraut is used as an anti-smoker. Another amazing property of cabbage is the ability to adapt to climate change. Thanks to this people managed to grow a variety of varieties of cabbage, this:

A cabbage, which has the greatest number of useful properties and not cabbage at all, and seaweed kelp (seaweed). She is the record holder for iodine, which helps regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. Useful properties of sea kale are used in cosmetology - it is a part of many skin care products, as the substances contained in sea cabbage are able to regenerate skin cells and slow their aging. So why not use all these useful properties of cabbage in order to lose weight?

The most effective cabbage diet is the diet, the basis of which is cabbage soup cabbage soup. I this diet is easy enough, because in the diet, in addition to cabbage soup, there is a large number of cabbage in other forms. The diet is designed for 10 days, and promises a weight loss of up to 9 kg. Thanks to this, many who adhered to the cabbage diet, leave very good reviews about it.

Menu cabbage diet

Breakfast - any fruit (except bananas), green unsweetened tea.

Lunch - cabbage soup (in order to prepare a portion of cabbage soup for 1 day you need to take half a small cabbage head, 2 medium onions, tomato, bell pepper, a bunch of greens.) Boil all the vegetables until ready, season to taste. During the day, when you want (but only until supper).

Dinner - a salad of fresh cabbage and carrots, seasoned with 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

Diversify the diet can be using instead of white cabbage in soups and salads other varieties of cabbage, then the diet will be more diverse.

Cabbage and Cabbage Diet

Thanks to the potato-cabbage diet, you can not only lose 3 kg in 7 days, but also cleanse the body of toxins and increase the metabolic rate. Diet for these 7 it should be: cabbage (any of its varieties), cereals, any fruit, and from vegetables only potatoes and cucumbers. You can also eat bread and vegetable oil.