Ointment Fluorocort

People who suffer from allergies and various dermatological diseases, this ointment in the medicine cabinet is always there. Ointment Fluorocort is an effective and affordable remedy that saves the skin from dermatitis and all kinds of inflammation. How the remedy works, in which cases it is best to take it and whether it has contraindications, we will tell further.

Indications for the use of ointment Fluorocort

The main active substance of the ointment is triamcinolone. Fluorocort has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The use of ointment allows you to remove swelling, reduce itching and neutralize even the most complex allergic reactions. The drug penetrates deep into the skin. Due to the effect of Fluorocort, the number of mast cells responsible for the development of the inflammatory process decreases.

Although the ointment is hormonal, it does not have a negative effect on the body. Fluorocortex mainly acts locally. As practice shows, many people who need help use Fluorocort Ointment, without paying attention to whether it is hormonal or not. The fact that the drug helps effectively and quickly and at the same time is quickly eliminated from the body (from three to five hours, depending on the state of health and metabolism of the patient) - what you need for problems that fight against Ftorokort.

Most often the ointment Fluorocort is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. It helps with acute chronic eczema.
  2. Ftorokort excellent coping with dermatitis of different origin, including with the neurodermitis.
  3. Psoriasis, lichen planus , lupus erythematosus, pemphigus - diseases, also serving as an occasion for the use of ointment.
  4. Cure Ftorokortom and itching, which affects different parts of the body.

Application and analogues of Fluorocort

For each disease, the Ftorocort therapy regimen is administered individually. Often, the ointment should be applied to the skin three times a day with a thin layer. The maximum daily rate of the drug is 15 g. Sometimes it is effective to lay the Fluorocort under the hermetically sealed bandage. The course of treatment lasts not less than five days, sometimes it can be delayed for a month.

If necessary, instead of Ftorokot you can use ointments. The most popular analogs are the following:

All these ointments have the same effect on the body as Fluorocort, and their main difference is the composition.