25 terrible facts about cannibalism

Rant about cannibalism is not accepted. On this subject, the society put an unofficial taboo. But it does not dismiss the fact that cannibalism is a phenomenon that has existed for many millennia, and it is not always associated with mental abnormalities. Some people were forced to step over themselves and resort to violence.

1. Primitive people often resorted to cannibalism.

Still Neanderthals were not averse to diversify their menus with a dish of their own kind. And primitive people could practice cannibalism even in the presence of alternative food.

2. The human is not too nutritious.

Mammoth is another matter. The killed animals could feed the tribe for a week, while the man was missing only for lunch.

3. Endocannibalism is one of the many forms of cannibalism.

Its essence consists in eating the deceased relative. Every living member of the family ate a certain part of the body.

4. Cannibalism thrives in the animal kingdom.

A striking example - the female black widow, devouring their partners after mating.

5. Chimpanzees are cannibals.

These primates are similar to humans, therefore cases of eating their own kind among them are rare, but nevertheless they have a place to be. There is a history when a flock of 30 individuals ate their leader.

6. Exo-cannibalism - the eating of a stranger.

This is not a ritual. More often people ate a stranger, simply because he looked frightening or because of a feeling of hunger.

7. Japanese cannibals nearly ate Bush - the elder.

This happened during the Second World War. George managed to escape, but his comrades were less lucky - they were killed and eaten at the celebration of Major Sueo Matoba.

8. The human being tastes like pork.

True, you have to take our word for it. After all, the only way to test this is to become a cannibal.

9. In the nineteenth century, missionaries were the victims of cannibals.

They preached the "Gospel," and the leader of the Talley tribe ordered them to kill and eat, simply because they were foreigners. In 2007, the tribe apologized for the actions of their ancestors.

10. The taste of human flesh is affected by various factors.

Such as sex, age, body part, lifestyle, habits.

11. As a rule, people are ready to eat representatives of their own kind only in a critical situation - when they need to survive.

It is an instinct that reminds oneself of a moment when all alternative variants of survival are tried, and it is very difficult to argue with it at a difficult moment.

12. Causes of cannibalism were observed in 1972.

Then a passenger plane crashed in the Andes. Before the survivors there was a difficult choice - they had to either eat the dead or die of hunger. The answer is obvious! After 72 days, the survivors were finally evacuated.

13. In ancient times medical cannibalism flourished in Europe.

It was believed that mummified parts of the body, if eaten, can cure various diseases.

14. Cannibalism is addictive.

Scientists say that cannibalism releases a large amount of dopamine. Accordingly, this can become a bad habit ...

15. "Donner's Party" - one of the most vivid real cases of cannibalism.

A group of emigrants tried to move to California from Springfield, but fell into a snow trap. When rescuers arrived to the travelers, out of 87 people there were only 48 left alive. What happened to the others is not known for certain, but in the gorge for a long time found the gnawed human bones with traces of human teeth.

16. Cannibalism causes the Kuru disease.

Symptoms of the disease: paralysis, uncontrollable laughter, inability to control various functions of the body.

17. During the famine, the inhabitants of Jamestown resorted to cannibalism.

This fact is disputed, but researchers are able to find evidence to the contrary.

18. We are all a little cannibals.

There is cannibalism in that people can eat pieces of dry skin from the lips or cuticles.

19. Some people practice auto-cannibalism.

Sometimes the habit of biting the nails grows into something more. There is a well-known case when a person, so carried away by "self-possession", that with nails ate fingertips.

20. Auto-cannibalism is inherited.

The cause of the pathology in the defect of the gene in the X chromosome. Some people have a desire to bite themselves even against their will.

21. In the seventeenth century Europe, it was believed that the blood of the deceased was being treated.

Therefore, after the executions, people often lined up in front of a corpse with cups. At the same time, the more severe the execution, the more effective the "medicine" was considered.

22. The artificial famine under Stalin forced some Slav families to resort to cannibalism.

In those days, many died. The same people who clung most strongly to life, ate the dead.

23. Placentography is a new type of cannibalism.

Some mothers eat their placenta, believing that it will benefit them and their children. But doctors say that this is not only not useful, but it can also hurt your health - if, for example, the placenta is contaminated, the infection can be transmitted to a baby with breast milk.

24. Cannibals are often people with mental disorders.

Such ailments as schizophrenia or psychopathy affect the person's worldview. Patients become more violent. They do not feel sympathy, because to eat a man for them may not be so shameful.

25. Cannibal Armin Meeves searched for victims on the ad.

At the call a man with masochistic tendencies responded. Mayves cut off the lover's penis after sexual intercourse, and when he got drunk he killed him, dismembered and hid the meat in the freezer.