Thyroid disease in women - symptoms, treatment

It has been established that lesions of the thyroid gland in women are much more frequent than in men. To the causes of diseases of the thyroid gland include heredity, stress, poor nutrition, bad habits, poor environmental conditions, etc. One of the sad consequences of a violation of the work of this body is the appearance of diseases leading to infertility or difficulties in conception and bearing a child. Therefore, early detection and treatment of thyroid pathologies is especially important for women.

What diseases of the thyroid gland develop in women?

In most cases, the following pathologies associated with thyroid gland are diagnosed in women of different ages:

  1. Hypothyroidism is a persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones, which can be associated with iodine and selenium deficiency, autoimmune processes, gland maldevelopment, etc.
  2. Hyperteriosis - an increase in the production of thyroid hormones, associated with the hyperfunction of this organ.
  3. Diffuse toxic goiter is an autoimmune disease that occurs due to the increased synthesis of thyroid hormones, which occurs as a result of stimulation by the antibodies of the immune system.
  4. Nodal toxic goiter - the appearance of voluminous formations in the tissues of the gland, which can be caused by genetic disorders, lack of iodine, infections, etc.
  5. Postpartum thyroiditis is an inflammation and dysfunction of the thyroid gland in the postpartum period, which is an autoimmune disorder.

Symptoms and Treatment of Thyroid Disease in Women

To recognize thyroid disease without special studies is rather difficult, because clinical manifestations of their nonspecific and can be noted in a variety of other pathologies. In addition, for various pathologies of the thyroid gland, there are similar symptoms, which include:

In more severe cases, the following symptoms appear:

Treatment of thyroid pathologies is carried out after the implementation of the necessary diagnostic measures (ultrasound, a blood test for hormones, etc.). In some cases, surgical treatment of diseases is required (for example, with severe symptoms of nodes in the thyroid gland). However, more often, if the symptoms of thyroid disease are confirmed, and a certain diagnosis is made, treatment with pills is prescribed. These can be funds that depress the gland and hormone production, or drugs for substitution therapy.

Treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland folk remedies

One of the most effective and common folk remedies used to treat symptoms of thyroid disorders, associated with both increased and reduced its function, the plant is white . Here is one of the prescriptions of the medicinal infusion of the cottonwood:



Raw material is placed in a thermos bottle and poured with boiling water, leave to infuse for about 10 hours. Take half the glass three times a day for half an hour before a meal. The course of treatment is a month, after which there is a break for a week, and the treatment is repeated again.