How to choose a quality laminate?

Today, laminate is becoming an increasingly popular material for floor design in the room. Use it both in public places, and in private houses and apartments. And all this is due to the numerous positive properties of the laminate.

Depending on the quality of the external coating, the laminate is divided into several classes:

Let's look at how to choose a quality laminate for living rooms.

How to choose a laminate for the living room?

The outdoor coating in the living room is given a special role in the interior decoration of this room. After all, the floor will be the background for the whole situation in the living room. In addition, since the living room is one of the most frequented rooms, flooring here should be durable and resistant to abrasion. All these requirements are met by laminate.

For the living room most often choose a laminate of 31-32 class, which will serve about 10 years. If you live a large dog, and on the floor you do not plan to lay a carpet, then it is better to choose an elevated 33 grade laminate that will last up to 14 years. Under any kind of laminate should be laid elastic substrate , which will strengthen the heat and sound insulation of the floor.

How to choose a quality laminate for a bedroom?

Since the bedroom - this room is not as visited as the living room, then it can use a laminate of 31 or 32 classes. Such a coating will provide sufficient thermal insulation of the floor and its strength. If you want to create in your bedroom a special cozy microclimate, mount under the laminate floor heating.

When choosing a laminate for a bedroom, pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the material. This information should be indicated on the packaging with the material. If the seller did not provide you with a quality certificate, it is better not to buy such laminate.

To create a noise insulation under the laminate in the bedroom, you need to lay a substrate that is made of polystyrene or cork.

How to choose a laminate in a nursery?

When choosing a laminate for a children's room, special attention should be paid to its quality. The coating should be strong enough, so the best option will be laminate 31, 32 class wear resistance.

When installing the laminate its joints should be smeared with a special water-repellent wax, and then the water accidentally spilled by the child will not harm the floor covering.

For a children's room under a laminate it is necessary to lay a thick polystyrene substrate, and then the floor will not make sonorous sounds during the mobile games of children, and will be warmer.

How to choose a laminate for the bathroom, hallway and kitchen?

We all know that both the hallway and the kitchen, and even more so the bathroom - are rooms with high humidity. Therefore, if you want to lay laminate in these rooms, then, as experts advise, you should choose a special waterproof or waterproof coating.

The difference between these types of laminate is that the moisture resistant laminate is protected from moisture and if a small amount of liquid hits it, there will be nothing to cover. But if the species spills on the floor a lot, then the coating will be spoiled.

A water-resistant laminate can, without compromising its quality, lie in water for up to six hours. But the cost of this coating will be much more expensive than conventional laminate. For the kitchen, bathroom and hallway should choose a laminate of 31, 32 strength classes. Such material can last for about 10 years without replacement.

If you take responsibility for choosing a laminate responsibly, this floor covering will last you a long time, providing the room with style and high status.