For a long time there are monthly

Every woman complains that the monthly go for a long time - almost a whole week of life is taken away! But there are those who have every right to complain about long periods. These are women whose menstruation lasts more than a week. Is it worth worrying in this case or is it normal? And if the norm is not this state, then why do menstruation last a long time? With all these questions, we will deal with the course of the article.

How long is menstruation - is it bad?

If the periods are very long, then this may be a variant of the norm. For example, when the cycle is only set or with menopause. Also, menstruation can last 10 days with an irregular cycle, but in this case, in the last days of excretion should be smearing. If the cycle has already been established (at least 5 years have passed since the first menstruation), and the long and plentiful monthly periods, this can not be considered a norm.

Why do menstruation last a long time?

Causes of long periods may be different - from sexually transmitted diseases to the reaction of the body to stress. In addition, prolonged periods may indicate a hormonal imbalance, an inadequate production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for stopping bleeding during critical days. And this, in turn, speaks about the absence of ovulation, and as a result of the impossibility of pregnancy. Also, if the menstrual periods go longer than usual, and in recent days the discharge is abundant, then the cause may be irregularities in the work of the pelvic organs and gynecological diseases. For example, dysfunction of the ovaries, malignant or benign formations in the female genitalia. Violations in the work of the sexual and endocrine system of a woman can be caused by improper diet, excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, as well as a predilection for smoking. Sometimes there is an increase in the number of menstruation days in women who have problems with excess weight.

Sometimes the opinion is expressed that the monthly ones go too long because of active sex work these days. This assumption is erroneous, nothing can be disturbed during sex during menstruation, if the woman is healthy. Therefore, more abundant and prolonged blood allocation should not occur. If this happens, then you should not blame an active sex life, but your own indifference to your health. If the monthly go long after having sex on critical days, it means that the body is not healthy, perhaps this is the result of the transmitted infections and illnesses.

There are cases when the monthly go with pregnancy and they go for a long time, up to 10 days. There can also be many reasons. This may be a feature of the woman's body, or may speak of a threat of miscarriage.

Also, in some women, menstruation lasts longer than usual after abortion or childbirth. Moreover, after childbirth, short-term failures are often observed, but the restructuring of the entire system. In this case, monthly, going 10 days is considered the norm. But this behavior of the body will be normal for all, it may be in various gynecological diseases.

In any case, faced with the problem of copious and prolonged periods, one can not independently draw conclusions about the fact that it is precisely the characteristics of the organism that specialist advice is required.

What if I have a long period of time?

From the foregoing it follows that with long and profuse periods it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only he can tell why the men go for a long time and calm you down, saying that your health is all right, or to prescribe the necessary treatment. Of course, there are folk remedies used with abundant periods, for example, a decoction of nettle. But you can use them only after a medical consultation, because not all problems can be solved with the help of homeopathy, sometimes you can not do without surgical intervention.