26 cats - feminists who violate the laws of patriarchy

For centuries, cats have been thought of as wayward and characteristic animals, choosing their own destiny and master. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the world of real emancipation, it was the cats who headed the list of the most unpredictable and independent creatures.

It turns out that not only the beautiful half of humanity bravely defends its rights and struggles with the laws of the patriarchate. Cats have long stepped forward and showed the world their unbreakable principles of feminism, demonstrating them in almost every action. Learn from cats, women, overcome fear and get the most from every second of life lived!

1. This cat absolutely does not care about the standards of a slim figure. In life, you can not deny yourself anything.

Eat what you want!

2. But this representative of the cat's world completely forgot about the seductive gait from the hip and prefers a proud walk with leaps and bounds.

Do not pay attention to others and their opinion. You have the right to choose your own path.

3. Often the media represent a "weak half", as helpless and overly dependent women. Behave with paper-information sources, like this self-assured cat.

Of course, it is not necessary to grind newspapers and magazines into small pieces. But, getting rid of them is just right.

4. Among people, cats carry out a secret mission to track down sexist aggressors, stirring women's minds.

Therefore, be extremely careful in their actions. Spies are hiding everywhere.

5. Cats are always at the root of getting rid of those who try to convince them of their own ideology. And they get rid of ill-wishers - literally.

Take care of your ideals and remember that in war all means are good! In a moderate amount and in the framework of decency.

6. Even domestic cats are fighting for a personal space that no one can restrict.

Take an example from them and do not let men indicate where and how you relax.

7. This cat clearly does not care about her appearance, because in the shower she is a real lady. But she does not have to prove this to others. Women's beauty is undeniable!

The main thing is to feel like a lady from the inside out. And do not try to match the surrounding stereotypes.

8. This fluffy cutie in a pink collar is not a follower of the patriarchy. She just loves pink color and bright decorations.

Remember that the rejection of banal shades and ornaments is not considered an entry into the ranks of feminists.

9. Every self-respecting cat, fighting for the rights of the female, visits anonymous feminist clubs.

Unfortunately, only by uniting, you can achieve the desired result.

10. This cat challenges the man in the dance, showing the whole absurdity of the ideology of inequality.

Do not share the undivided.

11. The red-headed beast, with all her appearance, showed how to react correctly to stupid sexist jokes. It seems that somebody lost his ally overnight.

Remind friends and others that not all jokes are appropriate. Let them be afraid!

12. This cat fully shares responsibility for the child.

From joint efforts is always more sense. And if we add to the efforts of a common ideological thought, the result will be doubled. All the mothers of the world, unite!

13. This cat demonstrates the correct attitude towards the patriarchate.

By the way, sitting on your neck has not been considered fashionable for a long time. Climb immediately to the head. From there you can see the horizon of your goals much better. As they say, divide and conquer!

14. Home favorite clearly explained that she did not intend to listen to stupid male chatter.

Many are used to the fact that women are not able to speak smart things. Do not let patriarchy cover your mouth. Or speak freely, or keep silent!

15. This cat shows to women the diversity of their natural nature.

After such a "lecturer" no lady can stay away from the struggle against the cruel patriarchy!

16. Unnecessary literature, telling about the delights of the patriarchate, must be destroyed.

The inscription on a piece of paper: "I screwed up my father's paper for copying."

Read only useful sources of information and do not succumb to provocative leaflets!

17. A cat who understands that the overthrow of the capitalist system is the first step towards securing feminism in society.

Stop putting money in three-liter banks and save on yourself.

18. Once again, cats show how it relates to things that are contrary to their ideology.

Just control your ardor.

19. This cat is so outraged by the difference in wages between men and women for the same work, that they do not even try to hide their indignation.

Do not let yourself be underestimated!

20. Before you listen to someone's opinion, repeat the pose of this independent cat.

Your interlocutor will instantly understand that you are not made out of a simple dough and sweet talk you do not gratify.

21. A cat that definitely decided to change your world view on gender inequality. And she does not intend to retreat at all.

Listen to your furry friend.

22. But this kitten was able to subordinate the man to his own interests.

Of course, do not use men as furniture. But to allow you to equate yourself with an additional accessory to their appearance is unacceptable.

23. Even beloved masters should feel the limits of what is permissible.

Achieve your desires through a long and painful "death". But do not overdo it!

24. This cat showed everyone what happens to those who do not support the policy of introducing women into entrepreneurship and management.

Unfortunately, not all goals are achieved with a slight wave of the hand. Or paws.

25. The revolution is a key link in the equality of the sexes. This cat already started the first riot.

h3> 26. Destruction and creation always go in pairs. Therefore, for the sake of the common good, this cat destroys the material values ​​of the patriarchate, in order to recreate something new.

Everyone has a chance to change their present and future. Do not waste time in vain. Strive to create!

And, of course, treat this post with humor.