Ears hurt with colds - than to treat?

The ear for colds hurts because of the spread of the inflammatory process in the ear regions. An additional factor that increases pain, is the accumulation of fluid or pus in the ear. Painful sensations in otitis are strong, so people prone to the disease are very interested in the question of what to do if the colds hurt your ears.

Than to treat ears if they hurt at cold?

If the cold has laid down the ear, and it hurts, then this indicates the presence of pathogenic microflora. Inflammation of bacteria, viruses and fungi. It is from the type of infection in otitis depends on the choice of medication.

Drops sold in a pharmacy, as a rule, have a double effect: they suppress the vital activity of microorganisms and relieve pain syndrome. If the inflammation in the ear is caused by bacteria, then drugs can be used in the form of drops:

With the otitis bacterial-mycological etiology, drops Kandibiotik help.

To prevent the development of otitis in influenza and ARVI, doctors recommend rinsing the nasal passages with the help of sprays and drops based on sea water, for example, the drug Rivanol.

Otypax droplets contain phenazol and lidocaine blocking the pain syndrome. Ear Ointments Hydrocortisone and Oxycorte contribute to the elimination of edematous phenomena inside the ear.

In addition to drops, bacterial infections are recommended for antibiotics.

Attention! The choice of medicine for otitis is the prerogative of a specialist. Improperly selected means can cause subsequent complications, up to complete deafness.

Home remedies for otitis treatment

For the treatment of otitis at home, the following can be used:

These funds can be instilled in the ear openings every 2-3 hours or put in the ears of turundochki, moistened with warm solution.

Perfectly remove the inflammation of alcohol compresses, superimposed on the parotid region.

What if the ears hurt after a cold?

Sometimes the ears are laid and hurt after the cold is transferred, so we'll consider how to treat them in this case. If the internal otitis has not developed, the otolaryngologists recommend using the ear phytochemicals Reamed, Tentorium. Otherwise, antibacterial therapy may be necessary. Also it is necessary to remove the ear sulfur plugs by contacting a medical institution.