Why not wake up sleepwalkers?

What is dangerous for somnambulism disease, how to behave with people suffering from sleepwalking - you will learn from this article. We will try to give exhaustive answers to many questions and tell you why it is impossible to awaken lunatics.

Sleepwalker in a dream

Surprisingly, the fact: sleepwalking is quite common and according to statistics, this disease affects 2% of the population of our entire planet. Sleepwalking is the periodic walking of a person, being in a dream. Sleepwalking is an incomplete awakening of a person from deep sleep. In this state, the body is in a half-awake. By the way, sleepwalking most often affects children.

How to determine that a person is half asleep? The eyes of a sleepwalker in a dream are open, he orients himself in space, sees the surrounding environment, bypasses objects, can even conduct dialogues, answer questions.

Sleepwalking is not a sign of insanity or mental disorder.

What happens if you wake the sleepwalker?

There is an opinion that lunatics can not be awakened. It is believed that by doing this you can injure his psyche, or he can accidentally cause you physical harm by feeling a sudden danger from the side.

If you are near a person in moments of his sleepwalking, then try not to wake him, but to take him to bed.

If it is in a dangerous place, for example, it goes along the edge of the roof, then you should not approach it - it can frighten off balance from fright. According to statistics, about 30% of people suffering from somnambulism, during this state can cause themselves physical harm. They can unconsciously grab for dangerous objects, including, cutting, fall from the stairs, hit and cut about the glass and mirrors. But most of the time lunatics confuse windows with doors and exit into them. And of course, most of these situations have the most terrible consequences.

It is very important to be careful if your loved ones suffer from such a disease. There are facts that lunatics have harmed people around them and even committed crimes. Remember that it is impossible to deduce a person from the somnambulistic state on purpose. If you deliberately wake up the sleepwalker, he can be very frightened. This can lead to stuttering and cause psychological trauma.

Living with a person suffering from somnambulism, it is important to be very sensitive, attentive and prudent. You must calculate everything a few steps forward and analyze what surrounding details and things can harm a person in a state of sleepwalking. It depends on you health and life of a loved one. No matter how hard you are, think about the dire consequences that can be imprudent. Tune in to the fact that every day you will need to prepare for bed especially.

In the evening, empty the rooms of the space from things that can become a hindrance to movement. Clean the chairs, Carpets, wires and other things, for which you can hook and fall. Glass, beating, and also cutting and stabbing objects should be in the zone of inaccessibility.

Take care of the gratings on the windows. Check that the front door is closed and the keys are removed. There are cases when people suffering from sleepwalking leave the house for long distances. The worst thing is that when people wake up, they do not remember anything. But do not bend the stick and tie the sleepwalker to the bed, this measure can cause a severe psychological trauma when a person wakes up.

The most correct option for solving this situation is a consultation with a good psychologist who can provide the necessary support.