Aching joints hurt - what should I do?

Among the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, one of the leading positions is pain in the joints of the legs. Such pains are associated with inflammatory processes in the joints, damage to nerve endings, or inflammation of ligaments and tendons. Joint pains usually differ from muscle pains, and besides creating physical discomfort, they also severely limit mobility. Consider what should be done if the joints of the legs hurt.

What should I do if my leg joints hurt?

The most common causes of joint pain are arthritis, arthrosis, gout and rheumatism. In addition, pain can occur as a result of injuries and allergic reactions. When gout is mostly affected by the joints of the toes and feet, arthritis also suffers primarily ankle, while arthrosis or rheumatism can affect any of the joints of the legs. Rheumatism is also characterized by meteosensitivity, when the joints of the feet hurt when weather changes.

If the cause of pain in the joint is not obvious, as with trauma, you should consult a doctor, especially if there are swelling, redness, creaking in the joint or limiting his mobility. Many diseases are diagnosed only after x-rays of the joint (arthritis, arthrosis) or biochemical blood test ( gout ).

Before visiting a doctor, you need:

  1. Limit the load on the joint. In case of pain in the ankle or knee joint, you can apply a bandage that limits its mobility. If the leg hurts in the hip joint, then the dressing is impossible and the best thing to do is to restrict movement and walk with a stick or cane to reduce the load on the joint.
  2. Lubricate the affected joint with an anesthetic ointment or gel. Best for this are drugs with a content of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Take painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets. This should be done carefully if the joints of the feet ache strongly and the inflammation is clearly expressed, because such drugs with prolonged use can produce a significant number of side effects.

Folk remedies for pain in joints

Since the problem has long been known and its relevance does not diminish, not only official medicine, but also the people's medicine offers many ways to combat the disease. Consider what can be done with pain in the joints with the help of folk remedies:

  1. Saber marsh is probably the most common plant in the treatment of joint diseases. It is taken either inside, in the form of tea, or externally in the composition of tinctures and ointments for compresses.
  2. The cabbage leaf is slightly scratched with a knife and heated, then it is smeared with honey, applied to a sore spot, covered with cellophane and wound with a bandage. A warm scarf is put on top and left for a long period of time (preferably overnight).
  3. Half a glass of bee podsmora pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 10 days, after which they are used for rubbing the joints. After rubbing the joint must be wrapped.
  4. Lilac tincture is another effective remedy. 1 glass of flowers is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and insisted for 2 weeks. Ready tincture is used for compresses.
  5. You can mix half a kilo of crushed lemons, celery root and honey. The mixture is allowed to stand for 3-4 days in the refrigerator, then take inward on a tablespoon 3 times a day until it is over. After 2 weeks, repeat the course.
  6. It will be useful to mix a half gram of mummy with 100 grams of liquid honey. This mixture is used simultaneously for compresses that are applied overnight, and for oral administration (0.2 grams) in the morning. The course of treatment is 10 days, after which there is a break for 3 days and the course is repeated.

Note that the compresses described above can be done independently of the inflammatory disease and which joints ache (ankle, knee or hip), but it is not recommended to use it if the pains are caused by trauma.