Toe on toe

For a large number of women, elegant shoes with heels are an impossible dream. The fact of the matter is that many representatives of the fair sex have growths on the joints of the toes.

Why there are growths on the toes?

The toe on the toe appears due to the fact that the balance between the fingers and the heel is disturbed. All the main load is borne by the thumb and, to increase the fulcrum, the metatarsal bone expands.

There is a growth on the toe when a woman often wears uncomfortable or too tight shoes and high-heeled shoes. Also the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon are:

Treatment of outgrowths on the toes

If you have pain when walking or there is rapid fatigue of the legs, push your hand away with your thumb. There was no pain or difficulty? Everything is okay. But if you could hardly manage it, most likely you will start to appear a growth on the big toe. Do not delay with treatment, as ignoring the problem will lead to severe pain in the foot and even limp.

At the initial stage, orthopedic insoles, massage and physiotherapy sessions will help to cope with the build-up. Also, during the treatment of outgrowths on the toes, you need to make special foot baths with herbs, as they will help improve blood circulation:

  1. To prepare a bath, you need to put 20 grams of rosemary in a single basin of hot water and collect cold water in another basin.
  2. Keep your legs alternately in one and the other pelvis for 10-15 minutes every other day for 2 weeks, and you will see that the legs have improved significantly.

To get rid of bored outgrowths it is possible and with the help of a compress:

  1. To make a compress, crush the Analgin tablets and dissolve them with 200 ml of 10% iodine solution.
  2. The resulting mixture spread on the problem areas, and after 20-25 minutes, rinse.

If the growths on the toes appeared on the top or side, and the massage and the baths do not help, you need to remove the stone surgically. Depending on the reasons for the formation of the built-up edge, the doctor will choose the method of its elimination. It can be the tension of the ligaments, the removal of the whole bone or its fragment. In any case, postoperative recovery will last at least six weeks and at this time you need to wear special gypsum limbs on your legs.