How to cure cracks on the heels quickly?

In the summer, women prefer to wear beautiful open shoes, and the condition of the feet becomes very important. Therefore, dermatologists are increasingly turning to the question of how to heal cracks on the heels quickly and effectively, without applying painful therapeutic procedures. Unfortunately, this is not so simple, especially if the cause of the problem is unknown.

How to cure deep cracks on the heels?

Any therapy will not be effective if the factor provoking the pathology in question is not determined.

Dermatologists found that almost 50% of the cases of cracks on the heels are caused by a fungal lesion of the feet. Other causes are endocrine disorders, diseases of the internal organs and incorrect or insufficient care of the foot skin.

If cracks on the heels are formed due to fungal infections, it is necessary to use local antifungal agents based on terbinafine under the control of a dermatologist. Attachment of bacterial infection requires the use of complex ointments and creams that affect both types of microorganisms, for example, Miramideza.

When cracking the skin of the foot due to endocrine disorders, usually diabetes , only a specialist can recommend what to cure cracks on the heels of medication. In such situations, drugs are selected strictly individually, and for hygiene, special emollients are used, not requiring the steaming of the feet in the baths, in particular - SixtuMed oil.

When cracks occur against the background of internal pathologies, you should first cure the true cause of skin damage. Otherwise, no cosmetic procedures will not work.

Cracking of the skin on the soles due to external unfavorable conditions, inaccuracies in care, climate, is simplified. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

How to cure large cracks on the heels?

The most effective and quickest way to get rid of the described foot defects is to visit the office of a professional cosmetologist. The procedure for the treatment of heel cracks consists of the following stages:

  1. Grinding. First of all, the master will perform a hardware pedicure, using various attachments to remove coarse skin. When the edges of the lesion are as thin as possible, the crack will be easier to heal.
  2. Antiseptic treatment. Applying to disintegrating skin disinfectant solutions to exclude the attachment of bacterial infection.
  3. Compress. Intensifying the process of cell regeneration helps to apply a soft tissue or cellulose compress on the heel with the use of professional medications. Particularly recommended is a series of funds from the German firm Gehwol.

After the procedure, the expert will explain how to properly care for the skin of the feet in the future to prevent relapses.

Than you can quickly cure cracks on the heels?

It is possible to take medication therapy at home.

Effectively fighting with cracks such ointments and creams:

Also very effective in the treatment of cracking heels glycerin. But before applying it, as well as before processing by any of the above means, it is necessary to steam the skin of the feet and carefully remove the dead skin of the epidermis with pumice stone or a special scraper, so that the active ingredients begin to act as quickly as possible.

Here's how to cure cracks on the heels of glycerin:


Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients. Rub the compound into the softened skin of the heels, wrap them with food film. Wear dense cotton socks, leave a compress for the night.

In total, do 5 procedures, repeating them every other day.