Actress Kim Cattrall: Samantha is not me!

In one of the recent interviews, the famous 60-year-old beauty Kim Cattrall talked about what she was worth working on the sensational series "Sex and the City." She confessed that Samantha's role was ruined by her third marriage ...

Kim told reporters that she does not like her heroine, because because of this role, she once had many problems "on the personal front." The actress devoted too much time to her favorite work, as a result her third husband could not stand this test for strength and left the family.

Musician Mark Levinson first supported his talented spouse, but then he got tired of it, and the artists' marriage broke up after 6 years.

Light-minded person or just an actress?

It turns out that the role of a windy person and a bold seductress of men served Kim as a bad service and after a break in her relationship with her husband she could not find a man who would appreciate her. Each of the new gentlemen of the star saw in her not Mrs. Cattrall, but her heroine!

They knew that Samantha was a nymphomaniac and a heartbreaker and did not want to come close to her for the sake of a serious relationship for a long time.

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Although, Cattrall claims that she hates her role in the popular project, nevertheless, she repeatedly stated that she would take part in the filming of the third feature film "Sex and the City", if it was once launched into production.