Colpitis in pregnancy

Just a little time ago, the diagnosis of colpitis was rarely presented, which can not be said of our days. Today almost 80% of women who are registered with a gynecologist face this disease.

Colpitis in pregnant women and those who are not in the position, is an inflammatory process that is localized in the vagina and the vaginal section of the uterine neck. It is accompanied by considerable swelling of the mucous membranes, the release of purulent and white mucus, which has an unpleasant odor. Causes of colpitis during pregnancy may well be:

Colpitis can still bear the name of untreated vaginitis and is quite capable of provoking endometritis, erosion of the cervix, contributing to the violation of reproductive function and leading to infertility .

There are many indirect causes that can cause inflammation, such as: early promiscuous sex life, ecology, high cost of the necessary initial treatment.

Symptoms of colpitis in pregnancy

The signs of the presence of the disease may vary somewhat depending on the form in which it occurs. Acute colpitis during pregnancy simply can not go unnoticed, because it is accompanied by such pronounced symptoms as:

If there is no necessary treatment for colpitis during pregnancy, the disease is quite capable of spreading to the inner thighs, buttocks and to hit important reproductive organs: the uterus, appendages and so on.

The chronic form of the disease occurs almost without symptoms, which greatly complicates its detection. That is why the treatment of colpitis during pregnancy, which has a latent form, is often prescribed untimely, when the disease is in its "bloom".

Than to treat a colpitis at pregnancy?

Therapeutic measures aimed at getting rid of inflammation are extremely extensive and include the use of chemical medications, antibiotics, the passage of physiotherapy, the need to make baths with an acidic environment and applications from ointments. Also doctors prescribe a special diet and reception of broths from herbs.

Treatment of candida colpitis during pregnancy is difficult, because many of the most effective drugs can not be taken in the process of gestation. The dose of permitted medicines is significantly increased, which is also not enough. That is why it is recommended to combine chemical methods of treatment with folk, that is, to do syringing from decoctions of medicinal herbs, to take sedentary baths. Doctors advise using vaginal and rectal suppositories from colpitis during pregnancy, ointments, gels and much more.

It should be noted that the choice of drugs must be entrusted to a proven gynecologist, who leads the pregnancy from the very beginning. Engage in self-healing is strictly prohibited.

Consequences of colpitis in pregnancy

During the period of gestation, the disease is fully capable of "climbing" to the uterus and penetrating into its middle. This is fraught with infection of the fetus, both during pregnancy and in the process of delivery. Also appeared nonspecific colpitis during pregnancy may well provoke miscarriage, infection of the amniotic fluid, hydramnios, preterm labor and other pathological situations.