Candles Pasteurized

Treatment of hemorrhoids in later stages or during a period of exacerbation of the disease is a great difficulty. In such cases it is better to use strong local preparations. Candles Posterizan - an effective tool for the treatment of hemorrhoids . These suppositories are able in a short period of time to improve the patient's well-being and completely eliminate all undesirable manifestations of the disease.

Peculiarities of Candles

As part of the Posterizan candles, there are elements of bacterial membranes, natural for the human intestine, as well as their extracts. They undergo special treatment, due to which they are absolutely safe for the body, but they also have a pronounced wound-healing effect. This drug also significantly improves the work of immunity.

Candles Posterizan Forte lead the walls of the vessels to tone. This strengthens them, as a result of which bleeding stops, and the likelihood of their reappearance decreases.

Indications for the use of candles Posterizan

Basically candles Posterizan is used when it is necessary to get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids. But they should also be used when:

In very rare cases, they are prescribed to patients who suffer from fungal, bacterial or viral diseases characterized by cutaneous manifestations.

Posterizan candles are for rectal use only. Suppositories are recommended to enter after a spontaneous bowel cleansing. Before this, you should wash your hands and thoroughly clean the anorectal area. Introduce candles into the rectum as deeply as possible. After that, you must observe peace for at least 20 minutes. With bleeding hemorrhoids, candles Pasteurizan can be combined with the application of this drug in the form of an ointment on the perianal area.

In acute symptoms of the disease, suppositories are recommended to be applied twice a day, but not more than 7 days. In the absence of positive dynamics, it is possible to prolong the course of treatment. To interrupt therapy it is impossible even if acute symptoms were stopped. This significantly reduces the likelihood of relapse.

Candles Posterizan should not be used in combination with preparations containing glucocorticosteroids. This can lead to the development of a number of severe systemic side effects.

Side effects and contra-indications of candles Posterizan

When applying candles from hemorrhoids, Posterizan Forte, there are practically no side effects. Cautious should be only to those who have allergic reactions to phenol (this substance is used in the preparation as a preservative). They may have:

Candles Pasteurizan can be used in pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications to their use are specific and severe lesions of the anogenital area, tuberculosis, gonorrhea and syphilis. You should not treat these candles with patients with such postvaccinal reactions and pathological conditions of the skin as rosacea or dermatitis.

This drug is also not used to treat hemorrhoids if the patient has: