Chronic mononucleosis

Mononucleosis causes the Epstein-Barr virus , which, with prolonged exposure to the body, smoothly transforms the disease into a chronic form.

Symptoms of chronic mononucleosis

Chronic mononucleosis is difficult to diagnose without special tests and histology, since the symptoms and nature of the course are similar to other similar diseases.

Usually, people suffering from this disease, have a sore throat, joint pain, a feeling of weakness and drowsiness, even after rest, i.e. the syndrome of chronic fatigue is manifested, the body temperature is increased, but not much. Violation of coordination of movement, frequent colds occur, and lymph nodes are constantly enlarged, there is vomiting and diarrhea. Against the background of this disease can develop:

Treatment of chronic mononucleosis

In general, chronic infectious mononucleosis does not require any special treatment. Doctors attribute antiviral drugs that are able to neutralize the virus, but not kill it, as it remains after the illness to "live" in the human body. Obligatory to the patient it is necessary to provide copious drinking, rest and bed rest during the exacerbation of the disease.

Antibiotics in the fight against this virus are powerless.

Further, all treatment depends on the symptomatology and possible complications or associated infections, then the use of antibacterial agents is necessary. In case of fever, it is necessary to take antipyretics, if necessary, prescribe drugs against diarrhea and sorbents to reduce intoxication.

There are also folk remedies for chronic mononucleosis, but traditional medicine considers their effectiveness not proven. So, for example, our great-grandmothers ate a lot of fresh cabbage, and made from it a broth with honey and lemon. And also to combat mononucleosis, teas with Echinacea and Melissa, broths with the root of ginger and turmeric are used.