Air purifier for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

Sometimes buying an air purifier becomes not a tribute to fashion and a desire to breathe freely, but dictated by the need for having a severe allergy to dust and asthmatic attacks. And if the purpose of acquiring such equipment is to solve such problems, then it is necessary to choose the air purifier most suitable for asthmatics.

The best air purifiers for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

The smallest, invisible dust causes severe coughing attacks, redness of the eyes, an allergic rhinitis and other unpleasant allergy symptoms in allergy sufferers, significantly complicating life and decreasing its quality. In this case, you need one of the following air purifiers for allergies:

  1. Cleaners with HEPA-filter - they remove from air all the smallest particles of dust, the efficiency of their cleaning reaches 99.9%. This device is for today the best for the prevention of allergies and asthma attacks.
  2. Air purifiers with electrostatic filters are slightly less effective for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. In them, the process of collecting dust is attracting it to the plates due to electric charge. The efficiency of such devices is 80-90%.
  3. Air cleaners - these devices purify the air, blowing it through a sprayed slurry of water, which rinses even the smallest particles of contaminants, not allowing them to return to the air of the room. The most effective of this series of cleaners - ionic, that is, with the preliminary ionization of air. Charged particles of dust are better attracted to the drum plates, so that the efficiency of their work is 80-95%.
  4. Cleaner-humidifier for the house - in addition to cleaning the air, moisten it with water inside the device. Humidification occurs by means of an aqueous suspension. The purification efficiency is 80-90%.
  5. Purifiers-ionizers with remote ionization. They produce a large number of ions around themselves, removing with their help a large number of allergens and precipitating them on the surface.

Making a choice among domestic air purifiers, it is important to remember that allergies are caused not only by dust as such, but also by dust mites, fungi and mold in it. Removing them from the air, you remove the root cause of allergies. To cope with these pests will help special devices:

  1. Photocatalytic cleaners - they clean and simultaneously disinfect the air due to the interaction of the ultraviolet and the catalyst. They decompose all toxic compounds and destroy harmful microorganisms.
  2. Ozone cleaners - produced ozone also decomposes chemical toxic compounds, killing microorganisms and microbes due to its powerful oxidizing properties. However, ozonizers can be used indoors only when there are no people in it.

Other air purifier selection parameters

When choosing an air purifier, focus on the area of ​​the room. It is better to choose a model designed for an area slightly larger than your rooms - then the air will be cleared better.

If in addition to purification, you also need to humidify the air, choose models with built-in humidifying functions or so-called air-washing.

Depending on the intensity of the air cleaner, you can choose more economical models with energy-saving function. But if you plan to use the device only from time to time, then you do not use humidifiers and air washes, because the water left in them for a long time can turn sour.

If you feel fast fatigue on a daily basis, do not sleep well and often get respiratory illnesses, you probably need an ionizer or an ozonizer. These devices improve the state of health, strengthen immunity, being natural immunostimulants.