Alcohol Compress

Alcohol compresses have long been very popular for treating various diseases that have both external and internal manifestations. Basically they are used as a warming agent. This method is used for physical injuries, inflammation of the joints and muscles. It is also used to treat tonsillitis, otitis, radiculitis, various ailments of the larynx and other problems.

How to make an alcohol compress on the ear?

Similar methods are used in various diseases of the hearing organs. Most often the compress is superimposed with the active phase of otitis , when the ear has been in water for a long time or just with pain of different intensity.


Preparation and use

To create a compress you need to moisten with a solution of alcohol and water (1: 1) or vodka gauze, folded several times. Then put it behind your ear. On the ear itself, a small part of the gauze is placed on top, and then polyethylene. In both layers, you must first make small holes for air circulation. After that, the affected place is wrapped in a cloth - best of all with a woolen scarf. Keep these dressings can be no more than four hours.

Alcohol compress on the throat


Preparation and use

Bint folds several times and is wetted with alcohol. Then it is applied directly to the throat. In this case, the tissue should be only moist - it should not drain from it. Above the bandage is a film or waterproof paper. From above it's all covered with a scarf.

Such a compress can be done several times a day. Between the procedures must be a break of at least two hours. It is important to monitor the reaction of the skin - if it clearly does not respond well to the procedures - this treatment should be stopped.

Spirituous compress on the leg or arm

Often people who are actively involved in sports get injuries to the legs and hands, which are accompanied by hemorrhages and bruises .


Preparation and use

A bandage, folded in several layers, is wetted with vodka and is applied to the affected area. Above is polyethylene. After this, a dense layer of cotton wool is applied, which will ensure the preservation of heat. Then the entire structure is closed with a bandage. Each layer should be one or two centimeters wider than the previous one. In this case, the bandage will perform its functions.

Such therapy is performed not immediately after the injury, but only the next day. At the very beginning it is still recommended to use ice. In addition, if the problem area is in the fold - the bandage can quickly move or fall. In this case, it is recommended to use rubbing more. Before use, it is advisable to visit a specialist.

Spirituous compress with a bruise


Preparation and use

Vegetable components are ground and mixed. Four tablespoons of the received powder are filled in with vodka. Insist not less than three days. The solution is applied to gauze, which is applied to the site of the injury. Then there are layers in the following order: polyethylene, cotton wool, bandage, woolen scarf. The procedure is done only on the second day, because the first can only be done. For example, people often get a burn from an alcohol compress. In this case the skin becomes rigid, elasticity disappears. The time of return depends on the stage of defeat.