Hematoma - treatment

Many people think that bruising and bruising are the same thing. Indeed, sometimes they look very similar. But the consequences for hematoma and bruising are significantly different.

Hematoma is the accumulation of blood under the skin as a result of damage to soft tissues. Most often it arises from strokes and bruises, during which the rupture of blood vessels occurs. Sometimes the cause of the hematoma can be trauma, dislocation, fracture. Depending on the degree of damage, there is a subcutaneous hematoma or hematoma of the internal organs.

Determine the hematoma with x-ray, ultrasound or endoscopic examination. But even without conducting these procedures, hematoma can be recognized by the following symptoms: pain, swelling, irregularities in the functioning of muscles, temperature.

Of the most dangerous varieties of hematomas, we can distinguish the following:

  1. Brain hematoma or intracerebral hematoma. Determine hematoma by using a tomography study of the head. Most often occurs in the temporal and frontal lobes of the brain.
  2. Subdural hematoma. Occurs between the solid and arachnoid shells of the brain. This type of hematoma is considered the most dangerous, since it leads to the greatest violations of human brain activity. Most often occurs in people older than 60 years.
  3. Epidural hematoma. It is a blood clot under the surface of the skull, in the epidural space.
  4. Retrochorrial hematoma. Occurs in pregnant women during rejection of the fetal egg from the chorion. At this time, a cavity is formed, which is filled with a coagulated blood. Symptoms of retrochorial hematoma are brownish discharge. Retrochorrial hematoma is a rather dangerous phenomenon, as it can lead to miscarriage.

Treatment of hematoma

Treatment of hematoma varies depending on its variety. With a hematoma on the face or under the eye, you should as soon as possible put a cold object to the damaged place. This procedure narrows the blood vessels and prevents the blood from spreading. Thus, it is possible to prevent the appearance of large hematomas.

With a hematoma on the leg, the best remedy is a tight bandage. In the event of a large hematoma, blood is sucked out under clinical conditions. After this, a pressure bandage is applied to the damaged area. After a while, resorption of the hematoma occurs. If the condition does not improve or there is an abscess, then urgent medical intervention is necessary.

Treatment of intracerebral hematoma is to maintain normal intracranial pressure and physiological procedures.

When an epidural or subdural hematoma occurs, urgent hospitalization and removal of the hematoma is necessary. After that, drug treatment and, also, physiological procedures are prescribed.

How to treat a retrohial hematoma, you will only tell the doctor. Its origin individually for every woman. When treating, it is important, as soon as possible, to stop the growth of the hematoma. In addition to basic medicines, try to increase the intake of vitamin E - it improves blood coagulability.

Various methods offer folk treatment of hematomas - lotions from decoction of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, Labrador tea, mummies.

With a small hematoma can be easily handled and at home. To date, there are many drugs and ointments from the hematoma. Their action is aimed at removing swelling and pain. Timely treatment will allow you to get rid of the hematoma as soon as possible.