Treatment with soda - contraindications

For most people who prefer to use simple folk remedies in their treatment, baking soda is an indispensable component. It is one of the cheapest and at the same time one of the most effective means against various diseases. However, like most other folk remedies, drinking soda treatment has some contraindications.

Contraindications in the treatment of baking soda digestive system

Treatment with soda can easily relieve a progressive disease, but do not rush to use baking soda as a means to treat the gastrointestinal tract. When using baking soda by people who have a decreased acidity of the stomach, there may be a danger of exacerbation of gastritis, as well as intestinal obstruction and constipation.

In the presence of an ulcer, it may aggravate, since baking soda, acting on the mucous walls of the stomach, can cause internal bleeding.

Contraindications to treatment with soda in diabetes mellitus

Treatment with soda can also be dangerous for people who suffer from diabetes. These people and without the use of soda increased the level of alkali in the body.

Contraindications to taking a bath with soda

In order to restore the condition of the skin or just lose weight, people can take a bath with soda. At first glance this harmless procedure can not bring a person any harm. However, there are several contraindications when taking a bath with water. Doctors recommend avoiding the use of soda baths for the following people:

Contraindications to cleaning teeth with soda

Soda consumption has contraindications when used as a dentifrice. Some people are sure that this is a universal tool for teeth whitening , but dentists hold a different opinion that baking soda can adversely affect the state of enamel teeth.

If you still decide to use baking soda to treat your body, you must carefully dose it and try to avoid abuse. Frequent use of soda is contraindicated in the treatment of any ailments.

Food soda in many cases is an affordable tool for treating various diseases. Despite the fact that it has a number of positive properties, baking soda is contraindicated for people who have chronic diseases and is not designed for frequent use.