How to salt herring entirely at home?

Many times each of us was mistaken when buying salted herring, then too salty, then completely not salted. We suggest trying to buy fresh herring, but to salt it yourself and feel the difference.

How to salt fresh whole herring in brine at home - recipe

For salting, you can take both fresh and frozen herring, only it needs to be thawed gradually and not in hot water. It is best to put it in a container with a lid, so that the fish does not absorb foreign smells and does not soak up other products with its smell and unfreeze it in the refrigerator compartment.



In order to prepare the brine, we set the water to boil on the stove, as soon as it began to boil, we put all the ingredients there and let it boil for one minute, and then we remove the cooling to room temperature, covering it with a lid. The thawed or fresh herring is good for mine, we remove the gills, we can also cut off the tail to save space. We put in a container with the backside down or on its side so that the brine completely covers the fish and pours already cooled decoction. So at room temperature the herring should stand for three hours, and then we remove it in the refrigerator, naturally covering it with a lid. Two days later the herring is ready, it is best to get it out of the brine so that it does not overflow.

How to properly salt herring entirely at home - a recipe

This recipe will salivate herring very quickly, literally per day. The secret is that it is soldered whole, but gutted, and so the salt is much better penetrates into the flesh.



So, take the herring, its good mine, cut the abdomen, get all the insides, if there is milk or caviar leave, we throw the rest away. Using a knife, we scrape the dark film inside the abdomen so that it does not spoil the taste and remove the gills. Mix the salt with sugar and spices in one bowl and rub them abundantly with herring, especially well processed internally along the spine. Now we need parchment or newsprint, tightly wrap the carcass in it and put it in a plastic bag, we tie it well and put it in the refrigerator. After a day the herring is ready, it remains only to wash it under cold water from salt, cut and pour a little with oil.