All the secrets of Megan Markle in one book

About Megan Mark will be released a book. The author is the half-sister of actress Ms. Samantha Grant. Apparently, she really wants to bask in the rays of the glory of the future princess.

The name for the book has already been invented, loud and "with meaning" - "Diaries of the sister of the princess-upstart". The book has not even been written yet, but 52-year-old Samantha is in full swing on Twitter, promising to tell Megan the truth that will forever destroy her bright image and destroy her reputation.

With such relatives and enemies do not!

Megan Markle is an adult girl, and she understands how much attention is now focused on her persona. Along with the fans, it is surrounded by cheaters, it's just very unfortunate that one of the main "well-wishers" of the girl is her half-sister.

Obviously, Samantha is frankly envious of the more young and successful Megan. She does not want to miss the chance to earn a decent fee, shaking the public, greedy for sensation, with the family filthy underwear of the future princess. "

Is this pretty much? You decide!

Here's what thoughts Samantha shares in her on Twitter:

"Megan left her family to achieve glory," "British monarchs will shudder with horror when they find out how she treated her relatives." "After the book is published, Megan and Prince Harry's relationships will fall apart like a house of cards.

And this is not all the allegations of the relative of the actress. She said that the charity that Megan deals with is just an excuse to attract extra attention. One of the main goals of her life, Megan, allegedly considered the prospect of becoming related to the royal family. I wonder who of their girls does not dream of becoming a princess?

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But this phrase, so in general - the upper nonsense:

"Prince Harry is just perfect for Megan's treacherous plan, because she always liked redheads!"

Perhaps, we leave this without comment.