Rash in newborns

Very often, young mothers face such a problem as a rash in newborns. The reasons for its appearance can be many. Thus also the eruption can be the most various. Consider the most common types of rash in newborns, such as neonatal, pustular and allergic rash.

Causes of neonatal rash

Neonatal acne occurs in newborns in the early days of life. Doctors say that in this way the baby's organism releases itself from the mother hormones that it received in utero. In addition, it is at this time that the small organism adapts to the new conditions of its environment. This period can last up to 1.5 months, and in medicine is called a hormonal crisis. Such a rash, appearing on the body of a newborn, is often called hormonal.

Why there is an abscess rash in the baby?

The pustular eruption in newborns appears because an infection is attached to the injuries of the skin. Due to the fact that the baby's skin is very tender, the likelihood of formation of micro-scratches and cracks is high. Localized this kind of rashes mainly in the folds of the skin: armpits, neck area. Such a rash on the body of a newborn requires special attention, because Its long presence is fraught with the onset of infection of blood.

What causes an allergic rash on the body?

The main reason for the appearance of an allergic rash in newborns is the incorrectly selected mixture . Quite often, after the first feeding of the crumbs with an artificial mixture, moms note the rapid appearance of rashes. Most often these are small, pink, occasionally red, dots, which are localized mainly on the cheeks. In medicine this phenomenon is called diathesis.

But also children who are breastfed can also develop a rash of an allergic nature. The cause of its occurrence, is the banal non-compliance with the diet mum.

In children older, with the introduction of the first complementary foods, it is also often the case that such a rash appears. In such situations, the mother must necessarily consult a doctor who will tell you how to solve this problem, and, if necessary, prescribe antihistamines.

Thus, it is very important not only to establish a type of rash in the newborn, but also the cause of its appearance. Only in this case you can completely get rid of the rashes on the baby's body. Localization of the rash also plays an important role in the doctor's diagnosis. The main task of the mother - as soon as possible to show the baby doctor and implicitly follow his instructions.