Creatinine elevated

Biochemical analysis will help not only diagnose diseases, but also determine the number of different components present in the blood. One of them is creatinine. Its concentration should be stable. If creatinine is elevated, it is dangerous for the body, as it can cause serious diseases such as kidney failure.

Why is elevated creatinine?

To determine whether creatinine is elevated, you need to take a blood test in the morning on an empty stomach. This is a prerequisite. The use of protein foods and muscle activity affect the objectivity of the analysis. Normally, the cretinin should be:

In general, an elevated level of creatinine is observed in diseases that damage muscle tissue, or when the body is dehydrated. Often, the indices of this substance are greatly overstated if the patient has problems with the urinary tract (for example, they are clogged), or various kidney diseases have been identified.

The reasons that creatinine is elevated are:

Also, the level of such a substance rises sharply if a person has internal bleeding, swelling, or ulcers.

Consequences of high creatinine concentration

If the creatinine in the blood is elevated, a person may have clinical signs of kidney damage:

Some patients have high blood pressure , convulsions and appetite.

Elevated creatinine can cause permanent fatigue, confusion, nausea and anemia. Dyspnoea appears in many patients against this background.

How to lower creatinine?

If creatinine is elevated due to illness, it is necessary to treat pathology. In order to normalize the protein metabolism and infer the toxic products of protein metabolism formed during the disease, the patient is recommended to take:

Alpha-lipoic acid improves kidney function and normalizes the level of creatinine. The patient needs to take it in pure form, 300 ml once a day.

Those who have increased creatinine after dehydration, you need to normalize water metabolism. This should be done only after consultation with the doctor, as for each specific case the optimal doses of water are very different and should be selected taking into account the potential of the kidneys.

Increased level of creatinine in the blood can be reduced quickly and easily, normalizing the diet in qualitative and quantitative terms. For this you need to limit the use:

More to eat:

It will not be superfluous and correction of physical activity. It must correspond to the actual capabilities of the body.

The level of creatinine can be reduced to the norm in just a few weeks, using the methods of traditional medicine. The nettle leaves will cope well with this problem. They need to brew like tea and take 50 ml per day. Nettle composition includes flavonoids and histamines. They increase the flow of blood to the kidneys and improve the filtration of urine.

It is possible to accelerate the excretion of creatinine from the body with the help of sage. The plant contains lithospermate B, which significantly improves kidney function. Take sage is best in the form of a decoction or infusion of 50 ml per day.