An adult has segmented neutrophils

The name of white (colorless) blood cells, leukocytes, at all on hearing. But not everyone, far from medicine, is aware that neutrophils are one of the types of leukocytes. Since segmented neutrophils fight against bacteria, fungi and infections, their decrease (neutropenia) indicates the presence of inflammation in the body.

Reasons for the reduction of segmented neutrophils in adults

The norm of segmented neutrophils should be in an adult from 40 to 72%. Since this species is produced by the bone marrow, the possible cause lies in its defeat:

In the best case, neutropenia can manifest itself as a temporary phenomenon, when a person has experienced stress, exorbitant physical activity, or was treated with antibiotics, after which a period of recovery of the whole organism is necessary. If the decrease lasts longer than 3 days, then there are suspicions of the infection: ENT - organs, oral cavity or skin.

Therefore, the analysis of blood with the introduction of a special formula, as a rule, is monitored for some time, to exclude more serious diseases:

If segmented neutrophils are lowered in an adult for a long time

Segmentation can periodically decline and recover again, but sometimes this decline is slow, but lasting. To suspect something wrong will help the frequent illnesses because of a decrease in immunity. This may be due to: