Severe Dizziness - Causes

Manifestations of the vertigo, for the most part, are not a sign of serious illnesses, but simply indicate a violation of the functions of the vestibular apparatus, for example, after riding on the carousel. It is necessary to worry if there is regular and severe dizziness - the reasons for this state lie in the development of dangerous pathologies of the cardiovascular, nervous or musculoskeletal system, brain diseases.

Causes of severe weakness and dizziness

The described clinical phenomena can be provoked by the following factors:

Severe vertigo when lying down and after sleeping

These are rather rare symptoms that are usually caused by:

Severe dizziness and nausea

Similar signs, sometimes accompanied by vomiting, are observed in such pathologies:

Also considered symptoms can arise against the background of psychoemotional overload - stress, anxiety, fears, phobias, depression.

Severe vertigo when turning the head

Attacks of the vertigo, observed in case of a change in the position of the body, are provoked by the following diseases: