Birthday in the style of Chicago

If your friend or close person has a birthday soon, try to diversify the standard holiday scenario. Boring feast can be left to the very end, and all day to think and spend fun. Birthday in the style of Chicago can be arranged at home or rent a small banquet hall. Until recently, to prepare such an event was only possible for professionals, but now it's not too difficult to manage independently. Preparation will take a lot of time and will require a lot of imagination, but the result is worth it.

A party in the style of Chicago: the script

The first thing you need to create an atmosphere of the 30's. In advance, warn all guests about your idea and ask them to find the appropriate clothes. Agree, if you simply put on costumes and sit down at the table, this will not be much different from the usual way of celebrating. You must create a mood for yourself. Scenario in the style of Chicago can be cardinally and not differ from any other scenario of the party, it's enough to competently compete according to the theme of the holiday. So, what is the approximate scenario you can think of for a party in the style of Chicago:

  1. Be sure to find a host for the evening or take this role for yourself. The leader must carefully monitor the mood of the guests, so that no one is bored. As a rule, an hour after everyone bragged about costumes, the evening smoothly turns into the usual course. It is at this point that the presenter should start contests or other entertaining games.
  2. Every man in the evening must have a revolver. If the guests came without the appropriate entourage, you must have a table with all sorts of attributes for the topic. You can arrange a contest in the style of Chicago - a competition in shooting from toy weapons on targets. You can shoot by balloons, you can put out candles from water pistols.
  3. A good idea is to organize a small casino. Before the entrance each guest is given a pack of toy money, which you can play. To this end, you can organize and a small bar, where also in the course of only your currency.
  4. Make a space for a photo shoot! In such suits, every lady would like to be photographed. Yes, and men probably want to pose with weapons in their hands.

Suits in the style of Chicago

Birthday in the style of Chicago is difficult to imagine without gorgeously dressed ladies and men. To find a suit in the style of Chicago, you do not need to go to special carnival stores. On small fleas or in stock shops, you can always find something suitable. Ask your grandmother to look into his trunk, maybe there was a suitable dress over there. There are always rows in the market where all sorts of old things are sold: watches, jewelry, cigarette cases. Feathers and boas can also be purchased at the store. But even the oldest clothes should be carefully stretched and brought to a proper appearance.