Ground-cover roses - planting and care

Ground-sheltered roses differ in the variety of their species. Shrubs can be low or high, have large or small flowers.

Ground-cover roses have such advantages:

Growing and care of ground-covering roses

When choosing a place for growing roses, it should be noted that they are very light-loving. But it is important not to let direct sunlight hit the leaves. This can be fatal for the leaves - they can fade and get burns.

The plant multiplies by layers and cuttings.

When deciding how to plant ground-cover roses, you should follow these rules:

  1. The planting site is preferably selected on a raised platform. This will provide the necessary amount of light and help with the outflow of meltwater in the spring.
  2. Before planting, it is very important to clean the soil of the weeds .
  3. The depth of the pit for roses is made along the length of their roots, in diameter it is about 50 cm. When the pit is filled with earth, it is periodically watered.

Caring for ground-cover roses consists mainly in watering and feeding.

Water the plant in the morning, when there is no strong sun. The bush can not endure both an excess of moisture and its lack. If the rose does not have enough water, it will have very few flowers, and the flowering period will be short-lived.

The first time a rose is fed 2 weeks after the appearance of the first leaflets on it, the second time in a month. Fertilizers are chosen with the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When the plant blooms, fertilizers do not apply. Autumn roses are fertilized only with potassium fertilizers. Transplant of ground-covering roses can be carried out in August-September. It is advisable to transplant the bush together with a clod of earth, so as not to damage the roots. Feeding after the transplant is not carried out, limited to watering.

Preparation of ground cover roses for winter

If snowy winters predominate in your region, then the plant is able to overwinter in a snow layer without special shelter. If the snow is not enough and the winters are harsh, then the roses can be covered with lapnik or make a wire frame, which is covered with lutrasil (spunbond). Many gardeners are wondering: is it necessary to cut ground-cover roses for the winter? These plants are unpretentious, they do not require an annual mandatory pruning. You can carry out sanitary pruning after the winter to remove frozen and dead shoots and rejuvenating - after 5-6 years.

Roses are used in the design of the garden on hills, flower beds, among the stones, along the paths. They can very effectively decorate any place in your garden.