How to protect cabbage from pests without chemicals?

Cabbage is easy to grow - have time to water and loosen it. The main difficulty may be pests that never miss the opportunity to eat on its juicy leaves and stalk, leading the plants into a depressing state. Of course, the easiest way is to use a variety of chemicals that will easily "drive away" insects. But we must not forget that drugs accumulate in plants and their fruits. It is much safer to learn how to protect cabbage from pests without chemicals.

Method one

If you have found white or gray butterflies on cabbage leaves, prepare for the fact that gluttonous green caterpillars will soon appear on the plants. In this case, you will help ash (2 cups) and tar shampoo (1 tablespoon). They are mixed with a bucket of water and insisted for several days, after which the solution is used for spraying.

Method of the second

To fight caterpillars on cabbage without chemicals, you can use a strong smelling infusion of onion husk, which will scare away the insects with its odor. Kilograms of husks are poured into three liters of boiling water and insist for 24 hours. Then add tar tar shampoo to the infusion. Such a tool is used for spraying cabbage.

Method Three

When you find cabbage aphids, do not rush into the store for effective, but dangerous drugs. Try to handle the cabbage from pests folk remedies. A possible help will be a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder and 1 tbsp. soap shavings of laundry soap mixed in a bucket of water. If there is tobacco dust, 1 its glass can also be added to the solution.

Method Four

Attack in the form of snails and slugs can nullify all your efforts in growing a vegetable. But if you carry out the processing of cabbage from the pests of valerian as soon as possible, your harvest can still be saved. In three liters of water should be dripped a bottle of tincture of valerian and a tablespoon of liquid soap. By this means we spray the beds. After two weeks, cabbage can be treated with a solution consisting of 5 liters of water and a bottle of ammonia.

Way Five

If the spray option does not suit you, try another kind of treatment - sprinkling. Of the means that can be sprinkled with cabbage from pests, we recommend a mixture of flour and baking soda or powder of mustard.

Method Sixth

Of the options for how to save cabbage from pests with folk remedies, we recommend using sprinkling with infusion prepared from 10 liters of water, 3 kg of celandine, 1 kg of chamomile and 50 g of crushed arrows or cloves of garlic. The agent is insisted for 24 hours.