What gifts can not be given?

Each of us sooner or later faces the problem of choosing a gift - for a birthday, wedding, anniversary or any other celebration. In order not to be read as a tactless person and not to spoil the culprit (culprit) of a holiday celebration, take into consideration the following tips:

Gifts that can not be given

First of all, exclude gifts "with a hint", for example, scales (a hint of excess weight), personal hygiene (a hint of uncleanness), epilators and the like. It is unethical to give linen, and it is also considered bad form to present the man as a gift of sweetness or a woman with kitchen utensils. Refuse the idea of ​​presenting perfume (cologne, eau de toilette), no matter how expensive they are, such a gift is appropriate only if you are absolutely sure of the preferences of the gifted person. One should refrain from unexpected gifts in the form of animals - such a gift can create a lot of inconvenience and problems.

There are also a number of gifts that are not given because of superstitions, however funny it may seem, but nevertheless ... So, what, for example, can not be given for a birthday? First of all, mirrors - allegedly attract illnesses and scandals to the house; hours - symbolize parting; in no case should not give knives and forks (any pricking and cutting objects) - to quarrels in the family. There are signs and beliefs in terms of offering gifts to men or women. Here are some of the signs that you can not give a man - handkerchiefs (it is considered an attribute of a mourning ceremony), slippers (a symbol of death), icons (except for cases of collecting) - to a quarrel between the donor and the gifted.