How to define character by handwriting?

There is a science that determines the relationship of character and handwriting, it is called graphology. To conduct an examination at home, you need a small text written by hand. Determine the nature of the handwriting can be as easy as the zodiac sign. More accurate results can be obtained when the subject is 25 to 45 years old. To do this, you need to know which elements to pay attention to.

Determining the character of a person by handwriting

  1. Fields . A narrow field testifies to frugality, which is on the verge of stinginess. A wide field is inherent in people with a great soul who do not miss the opportunity to brag.
  2. Direction of lines . People with normal self-esteem and calm mentality write directly. If the lines tend to go up, then their owner is an optimist in life. If the lines are directed downward, the dependence of the handwriting on the character is expressed in pessimism with a low self-esteem. "Wavy" lines are inherent in an adventurer and a person who can easily deceive.
  3. Pressing . This element is needed to determine a character trait in handwriting only when using a pen. Accordingly, strong pressure is characteristic of energetic and purposeful people. Weak - corresponds to romantics.
  4. Connectedness of letters . Dense lines indicate that a person is straightforward with a predominance of logical thinking. If each letter is written separately, then the master of the handwriting is well developed intuition and a rich inner world. Uniform bundles of 2-3 letters indicate the balance of people.
  5. Slope of letters . A slope slightly to the left indicates that the most important thing for a person is his position. A strong slant to the left indicates that the person considers himself smarter and better than everyone else. A slope slightly to the right indicates that the person observes the rules. A strong inclination to the right indicates that the owner of the handwriting is purposeful and persistent. Straight handwriting from stubborn.
  6. The size of the letters . Letters more than 3 mm, in a person with an open character, leaders by nature. The letters are less than 3 mm, they speak of secrecy and restraint of a person.
  7. Form of letters . Rounded forms are inherent in soft people. Angular forms indicate egoism .
  8. Signature . If the signature has no superfluous elements, its owner is self-confident. The caption with the stitches indicates the presence of a cunning character. The crossed out signature tells about impulsiveness. The underlined signature indicates entrepreneurship. The circled signature tells about closedness and shyness.

After the "examination" and analysis, it is possible to establish the effect of writing on the character of a person.