Ceiling from PVC panels with own hands

The decoration of the ceiling with plastic panels is quite in demand these days. Most often they are used on balconies and in bathrooms. And this is understandable, because PVC panels are absolutely not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, so that the ceiling will not "lead" over time, it will not cover with mold and fungus , but will retain its appeal and functionality for many years.

Finishing the ceiling with PVC panels with your own hands

Consider in this article how to make a false ceiling from PVC panels with your own hands. For this we need, in fact, plastic panels, starting PVC profiles, aluminum profile and suspensions.

Before we make a ceiling of PVC panels with our own hands, we need to prepare and mount the frame. For this purpose, a frame made of aluminum guides is installed in the bathroom with tiles already laid out on the walls and a gap of 10-20 cm left behind the ceiling. You can fasten them over the tile or directly on it.

In order not to spoil the finished facing of the walls, it is better to proceed as follows: apply a narrow strip of plaster over the tile so that the profile fixing plane coincides with the plane of the tile. Before this, always glue the top row of the tile with paint tape, so as not to stain it and do not damage the seams.

Once the plaster grips, you can proceed to fasten the guides. For this we use dowel-nails.

As a hanger, you can use standard straight lines. And if the ceiling needs to be lowered, suspensions with clamps are used.

You need to mount the guides in 50-60 cm increments. No cross rail is needed. Approximately so it should look like a ready-made frame.

Now you need to fix the starting plastic profile to the guide profile using self-tapping screws with a press washer. The distance between the screws is made equal to 50 cm. Try not to damage the front side of the profile. In the corner, first thread the two profiles into each other, secure and then cut the corners diagonally.

Installation of PVC panels on the ceiling with their own hands

We proceed directly to the roofing of the ceiling by PVC panels with our own hands. We do this across the profiles, cutting the panels a little shorter than the width of the room. You can cut with a hacksaw, a grinder or a jig saw. After that, the edges need to be sanded with a sandpaper. Do not forget to remove the film before installing the panels - this is quite a common mistake.

We set the PVC panel in the starting slot with a narrow side, slightly bend and wind the second end. After that, it remains only to attach it with a screwdriver with a press washer to the guide. It is safer to pre-drill in the holes profiles, then only to punch in them self-tapping screws.

Each subsequent panel is exactly the same way into the guides and we connect them with each other by locks. Continue to work until all panels are mounted, except the last one.

With the last panel you have to tinker a bit. We make it literally 1 mm shorter than the others. We put it all the way to one side in the corner of the room. The second end will hang slightly, so you can easily insert it by slightly pushing the panel out of the first corner. After these manipulations you will have a tiny gap between the penultimate and the last panel. To join them, you can use paint tape. We paste 2 strips across the last PVC panel and pull up to the previous one - they converge perfectly buttly.

It is important even at the stage of preparation for the installation of the ceiling from the PVC panels with their own hands to think over the arrangement of the luminaires, to make all the corresponding holes and to thread the wires in them. Then in the final stage you will only need to connect the lamps - and the ceiling is ready!