Britney Spears revealed the secret of her slim figure

Famous American pop star Britney Spears every day pleases his fans with more and more photos of his ideal figure. But not so long ago the singer suffered from extra pounds. Information about how she managed to get rid of them and get such perfect forms Britney told her follover on the Internet.

You need to love yourself and indulge yourself a little

The other day in social networks, Spears published a video on which she famously squeezed along with her coach Larry Rudolf. After the fans of the singer watched the movie, they criticized her for the fact that Britney is not doing the right exercise. But whatever it was, and the physical load makes itself felt.

"For a long time already I've been telling everyone that even if you do something wrong in the gym, but you do, it will still affect your appearance. I, for example, can not live a day, so as not to study. Of course, I like to do not all, but to run, swim and dance just adore. For example, yesterday I danced almost without stopping 3 hours in a row. Yes, it's difficult, but I get a lot of fun and pull up all my muscles. After such rehearsals, I feel 100%

said Spears. Further Britney was silent for a while and added:

"You have to love yourself and spoil a little. This is a prerequisite. I now open a terrible secret to you - I like to eat deliciously. Even now I can eat pizza, no matter how terrible it sounds. And I love ice cream and biscuits. I can not live without it. Therefore, after training, I allow myself a little refreshment myself with these delicacies. "
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Spears always struggled with extra pounds

The growth of 34-year-old Britney is 163 cm. Over the past 15 years, the weight of the star ranges from 48 to 62 kilograms. Despite the small numbers, Spears has always looked pretty stocky, but recently turned into a "reed", which, of course, very pleased both Britney and her fans.