Tubazh of the gallbladder

Tjubazh or "blind probing" is a process of gentle, gentle washing of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. This procedure is widely used to control bile stagnation, facilitate its excretion, as an adjunct to duodenitis , dyskinesia of bile ducts, chronic efflorescence of cholecystitis, as well as to combat constipation and normalize intestinal motility.

How to make a tjubazh a cholic bubble?

The procedure itself is simple enough and consists of taking certain choleretic and diuretic mixtures, combined with warming up the area of ​​the right hypochondrium (liver and gallbladder).

Tubage can not be carried out with:

In addition, tjubazh is strictly forbidden to do with gallstones, since in this case cholagogue preparations are dangerous to health, can cause displacement of stones and cause serious complications, often requiring surgical intervention.

Tubage of the gallbladder is carried out as follows:

  1. On the eve of the procedure it is recommended to exclude heavy food from the diet, first of all - meat and bakery products, potatoes, legumes, products with sugar content.
  2. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. When it is carried out pre-heated to 40 ° C cholagogue in a volume of 200-250 ml. At the first carrying out of a tjubazh it is recommended to use still mineral water. In the future, if the procedure went well, add magnesium, sorbitol or other drugs.
  3. After taking the cholagogue, you need to go to bed on your right side and take cover. Under the right hypochondrium (the liver and gallbladder area), place a heating pad, which should be warm enough, but not hot.
  4. It is necessary to lie with a heater for at least one and a half hours.
  5. Tjubazh itself has a laxative effect, so there is no need to additionally starve and do cleansing enemas before it is carried out.

Drugs for tylazha of the gallbladder

Tubage of gallbladder with mineral water

The easiest way to start. For the procedure most often used Essentuki, Borjomi or other hydrocarbonate (soda) mineral water. A bottle of mineral water should be left open in the evening, so that gas would come out.

Tubage of the gallbladder with Magnesia

The most commonly used variant of the procedure. In this case, also mineral or, in extreme cases, just boiled water, into which add 1 tablespoon of magnesia per 250 ml of liquid. This preparation does not dissolve very well, because the water should be heated beforehand, and stir the preparation until it dissolves completely.

Tubage of the gallbladder with sorbitol

Also often used option. To prepare the solution in water (150 ml) add one dessert spoon of sorbitol, stir until it is completely dissolved and drink. The mixture is recommended to drink another 100-150 ml of mineral still water.

If painful sensations arise during the administration of the tjubazh, it is recommended or abandoned the additives of the preparations and used for procedures only mineral water, or beforehand before the procedure take 1-2 tablets of No-shp or Drotaverina.

Tjubazh at a remote gall bladder

When, due to cholelithiasis or for other reasons, the gallbladder has been removed, stagnation of bile in the liver and bile ducts can be observed. Therefore, the procedure of tjubazh after removal of the gallbladder does not lose its relevance, and often it is shown without fail. Necessity of carrying out and frequency of procedure is determined by the attending physician, but it can be carried out not earlier than 2 months after the operation to remove the gallbladder.