How to become a cosmetologist?

I must say that until 2009, such a profession as a cosmetologist was something out of the ordinary. Cosmetology as a beauty industry was only gaining momentum, so on all the issues of interest had to contact the kozhveerologu or dermatologist. Today, everything has changed and this direction has become incredibly prestigious, and also very profitable. How to become a cosmetologist - in this article.

How to become a cosmetologist and where to start?

Of course, with education. Huge advantages in the profession and the chance to become one of the best gives medical education. Having a diploma of a dermatovenerologist, pediatrician or specializing in "medical business", you will only have to undergo a retraining program "cosmetology" and you can confidently go and conquer the heights of the profession. However, even without medical education, you can realize your dream. For this it is necessary to pass special courses and get a specialty "cosmetologist-aesthetic". The latter imposes some limitations in the sphere of services provided. For example, such a specialist can not perform procedures of hardware cosmetology or make injections, but can fully realize himself in complex skin and body care.

Knowledge required for work:

Those who are interested in what it takes to become a cosmetologist should make sure that the educational institution has a license to provide such services, and the teaching staff has extensive practical experience and a huge amount of theoretical knowledge.

How to become a good cosmetologist?

Of course, the presence of a diploma does not guarantee that the people will go to the office as a whole crowd. It takes experience, and to get it, it's good to get a job as an assistant to a cosmetologist. This will allow you to get at least the minimum basics, understand how to fill out the documentation, conduct the simplest and not only procedures, prepare a cabinet for work, mix drugs, etc. Some companies provide training at the expense of the organization, which can also give impetus to career growth .

However, even the necessary experience and knowledge will not be able to ensure an uninterrupted flow of customers. Those who ask how to become a successful cosmetologist, it is worth recommending to learn more and the basics of psychology. An obsessive, talkative and unpleasant outside expert will not cause the desire to come to the office again. In addition to competence, one must also have a sense of tact, be kind and correct. In any case, do not give the visitor the opportunity to doubt something or decide what is saved on it. It is necessary to create a relaxing and tranquil atmosphere and all the necessary conditions for the client to feel comfortable and comfortable.

You need to be able to advise, recommend, prove that this particular drug will be effective for its skin type and existing problems. Of course, your recommendations need to be supported by professional explanations, but in a language understandable far from medicine. It is necessary to encourage him to come to a consultation or treatment activities again and recommend such a specialist to all his friends and acquaintances.