Can Mezim be pregnant?

Women in a situation that face digestive problems often have a question as to whether it is possible for pregnant women to take such a drug as Mezim Forte. Let's consider this drug in detail and give an answer to this question.

What is Mezim?

This drug refers to enzyme preparations. It is based on the enzymes of the pancreas, which are directly involved in the breakdown of proteins. If they are not enough, patients have a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn.

Reception Mezim allows you to get rid of this symptom and establish digestive processes in the body.

Can I take pregnant Mezim?

According to the instructions for this drug, it does not apply to those that are prohibited during the bearing of the baby. That is why, quite often doctors appoint him to women in position. In this case, mostly women are in late pregnancy. The thing is that in expectant mothers, in view of the large size of the fetus, there is compression of nearby organs, including those located in the abdominal cavity.

With regard to dosage and frequency of admission, it is set individually by the doctor. However, it is often 1-2 tablets, up to 3-4 times a day. The drug is taken with food, washed down with a large volume of liquid. In this case, it is worth considering the fact that the drug is best taken when the body is in an upright position, and after the medicine is drunk, it does not lie down for 5-10 minutes. This will avoid such a situation, when the tablet enters the esophagus, dissolves and does not reach the stomach.

Why do some doctors oppose Mezim's appointment during pregnancy?

Some doctors, strictly following the instructions to the drug, try not to resort to Mezim's help in the case of pregnant women. The thing is that the leaflet, which is in the box with the drug, contains information that there have not been any clinical studies on the effect of Mezim components on the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

However, as the long-term practice of using this drug shows, it can be prescribed during pregnancy, and this does not affect the future baby in any way.

Thus, when answering the question whether it is possible to drink pregnant Mezim, I would like to say again that any appointments during gestation should be performed by a doctor.